white lines.

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Warning: self harm

Chris' fingertips trailed gently up Tom's sleave cuffs. He had hardly been awake by then. His eyes were heavy and drifted like a boat on a water, so clear that you could see the bottom several meters away. Yet something rippled the water and caused confusion for the young male. It was a nagging question that left him restless and puzzled. But yet the water in his mind only reflected the sky, it wasn't actually blue, he found this question tricking him into thinking it was clear. But how could one answer a question without knowing what said question is? He didn't have answers. He didn't have questions. But he had Tom. Was that all he needed? Could Tom be the ripple in his mind. Possibly.

Chris eyes were tired but his latte coloured skin covered most of the dark circles under his eyes. Tom wasn't so lucky. The paleness of his skin turned his undereyes purple and red, sore and tired as Tom felt.

The sun was rising outside, the ground was stained with dark puddles of rain that had fallen silently without notice from the midnight residents. Tom's eyes fluttered open just as chris' finally shut. The ginger crept carefully out of the warm embrace and was met with the frosty chill of the winter morning atmosphere. Coffee. He thought. Coffee.

Walking to the kettle, Tom noticed something. He didn't remember rolling his sleeves up but they had found their way bound loosely around his elbows. Tom had a habit of doing these types of things without noticing, like rolling his sleeves up or running his fingers through his hair. So it hadn't suprised him. However, he made a mental note to leave his sleeves down, he couldn't let Chris notice the scars of Tom's past that remained as ancient tapestries of white slashes up his arms. He pulled his sleeves down as he flipped the switch on the half-full kettle. Pulling two mugs from a cupboard and taking a minute to search the kitchen sides for coffee.

After a few harmless spills, Tom set the two mugs on the windowsill behind Chris and sat on the opposite couch to his other. It was connected with the piano and had a chest-looking, white coffee table in front of it. He pulled one of the small cushions behind his back and quietly switched the TV to a random kids program. It was already half-way through an episode so he didn't catch the name but it was something about a vampire girl in a town of humans. He sat back and watched. He'd never admit it but Tom found kids programs to be upmost soothing and relaxing, he'd watch them all the time. Just to get away from the complexity of his surroundings. But soon enough, someone on the programme saw the vampire and screamed. Which caused Chris to wake up.

"Wa..?" Chris slurred. Tom walked over to him and sat over his legs. "How much sleep did you get?" He asked while leaning forward to stroke chris' cheek gently. "Not long," the sleepy man replied honestly. Tom laid down on his chest again and snuggled. He tried to resist the annoying urge but couldn't. He wanted to feel his warmth. His skin. He wanted the safe feeling of his arms around him where no one could see him. Which is exactly what Chris did. Tightly hugged him to his chest and loudly breathed out his nose, falling back asleep.

Tom ended up passing out and sleeping for another three hours. When he woke up he was sad to realise his coffee had probably cooled. He skillfully crawled out of chris' arms and went to the kitchen to make yet another two cups of coffee. He felt so tired that he actually chugged his coffee straight and then decided to take a shower. He got dressed and ready for the day. Well, more like afternoon, he thought as he read the time, 12:45. He walked downstairs to see Chris awake and sipping coffee. He had shuffled to the other side of the couch and was now facing away from him. Tom very gently touched his hair and smiled brightly when the other looked up at him and grinned. God this was perfect.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Chris asked. Tom sat between his legs again and sighed. "Not sure. There's not much we can do." Chris hummed as he thought for a second. "What about, the cinema?" Tom's eyes lit up. He smiled and nodded curiously. He was dying to see the frozen two but didn't have the gut to go out alone. So Chris got up and dressed lightly as he agreed with Tom that they would stop by his house first and get a spare change of clothes before eventually walking to the cinema, avoiding people and cameras and not daring to walk to closely to the other or look too adoring or smile too shyly. Sometimes little things like that set off the worst kind of people. Touching was the most dangerous. Even though they yearned to walk hand in hand like the proud, fabulous gay couple they were. The thing was, the media would be suffocating if anyone were to find out. And neither of them wanted something like that.

So they walked a good few feet apart, talked about guy things and made an effort to keep a straight face. 'This is going to be hellish' Tom thought.

(Omg the story isn't dead. At least I hope it isn't. I didn't mean to abandon this particular work, I do it to all my stories. So, I'll try to keep a little more updated, have a lovely day xx)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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