A Match Against Siebold, and a New Region

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"Combee, no!" The Bug type laid before her on the ground, its exceptional red color muddled by the dust. The Charmeleon before it roared triumphantly. Mairin returned her shiny Combee to the Net Ball, and sighed. "Well, that was a great battle. You deserve a good rest."

Alain and Charmeleon high-fived-- or at least how much they could high-five what with the claws. "Great job, Charmeleon!" Alain then went up to Mairin, smiling. "That was an awesome time we had. Let's do it again sometime."

Mairin stared back with an unreadable expression, before eventually reciprocating Alain's smile and shook his hand. "Yep! Now, we can head to the restaurant!"

"What is it with you and restaurants?"

"You'll find out."

Alain didn't like the tone she took with that -- she almost always said things transparently. "Larvitar healed. Let's get on with it."


"Is this your idea of a special?!" asked Alain as he stood off to the sidelines, dumbfounded at the two Mega-Evolved Pokemon before him. Mairin and a member of the Elite Four, the Siebold, were duking it out with Garchomp and Blastoise, both having Mega-Evolved prior to the first move.

Mairin and Alain had walked into the restaurant, and asked for Siebold. At this, Alain was struck with awe, that Mairin would simply walk in to his five-star restaurant and ask for him, that easily. He had looked between the two trainers, not sure what to expect. That led to the current situation they were all in, with two Pokemon battling in the humongous battlefield -- that which would rival a Gym Leader's -- in the back of a restaurant!

"Hydro Pump!" yelled Siebold, and a gush of water tore out -- literally tore out -- of the large cannon Blastoise sprouted from the shell. It seemed to barrel into Garchomp, who was then commanded by Mairin to fly up. The Mega Garchomp swooped past the Blastoise, and then did a 180 and turned back, catching the Blastoise's shell in between two of its claws. It then formed a Dragon Claw, at Mairin's command.

Alain glanced down at Charmeleon. Just what was Mairin planning to do? Blastoise had withdrawn its head into its shell to perform a Rapid Spin. Then, just as it was going to spin out of the Garchomp's grasp, it was hurled using the energy of the Dragon Claw. The shell hit the ground with tremendous force.

Mairin and Garchomp had an equally surprised face when the Blastoise's limbs and head drew out of the shell unharmed -- not in the slightest. She frowned for a moment before ordering Garchomp to perform a Slash attack directly on the Blastoise. However, the Water-type was far from down -- it sent out a Dragon Pulse that hit Garchomp directly. It stumbled for a moment, but was far from down.

"Mega Blastoise's ability is Mega Launcher," explained Siebold. "When Mega Blastoise uses moves such as Dragon Pulse, you'll see it's quite strong indeed. A delicious combination. Now, Skull Bash!"

"Use the momentum! Throw it against the wall!" yelled Mairin, frantically searching for more tactics to use. However, Siebold didn't seem fazed in the slightest. As Blastoise was thrown towards the wall, Siebold commanded it to use Hydro Pump. The water jet propelled it up and over Garchomp's head.

Siebold raised a hand with a dooming sense of finality. "Time to wrap this up. Dragon Pulse!"

"Draco Meteor!" exclaimed Mairin.

The dust cleared, and both Pokemon were still standing -- even with two equal direct hits! Alain was certainly amazed by the strength of the two Pokemon.

"You've impressed me," noted Siebold. "I've never seen a trainer this resilient in a long, long time." Blastoise nodded.

Mairin looked towards Garchomp, then back to Siebold. "I'm honored you think that of me. Garchomp?" The dragon grunted in agreement for a response.

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