Chapter One

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|Saving Jaren|
Evan aka Vanoss POV

I looked at my gang, watching carefully as they discussed about our new mission. Los Santos may see us as bad people, which we are, but we usually kill off the drug dealers and fight off other gangs. I don't believe we're that bad. Right? Whatever.

We were currently in the living room, the guys chatting softly, while the others goofed around like kids. I don't blame them. Most of us came from troubled past. The rest had a somewhat good life, but things turned down and they got tired of the world. I, myself, am the ones that came from a somewhat good life, until it turned around completely. I had a mom, dad, older sister, and little brother. I'm originally from Canada, before moving down here to escape. I was in high school, coming home confused on why my brother was picked up when I was supposed to pick him up. I reached my home to see police officers, ambulances, FBI, detectives, and a bunch more forces around my house. I remember jumping out of my car, yelling at officers, pleading to see my family. What happened? Some fucked up gang kidnapped my brother from his way to school, his friends being shot and killed. They brought my brother back to the house and began shooting and beating my family. On security footage and a phone call for help, my dad and mom were crying, screaming, fighting. The sound of glass breaking, gun shots, and blood curling screams that was to suspenseful. The footage gave so much proof, and the police worked their added off to find that gang. But it's like they disappeared into thin air. But they left Canada and moved down here to California, United States. They grew in members, weapons, and strength. They were ruthless, murdererous, dangerous, alcoholics, druggies, and rapists. It disgusts me that they hide different places, like they own Los Santos. But they have a rival gang. The Banana Bus Squad. I know, weird name, but we found a bus that looked exactly like a banana and kept it in our base/bunker garage.

"Hey Evan, what would you like for dinner?" A soft, motherly like voice said from behind me. I smiled and turned around, seeing my best friend and third in command, Brock aka Moo. He's like the mother hen of the crew, doing the household chores/work, cleaning the weapons, making all our meals and special desserts/snacks. He scolded us if we were mean to each other, hell, he even grounded us a few times. He's my age, three months younger though. He was dark auburn/brown hair and bright brown eyes that shone with love, motherlyness, care, kindness, and protectiveness. He is short and petite, being more on the womanly side than manly side, which he is. Unlike us, he dislikes violence and hate, having to be around it for so long. His parents were abusive and his dad left when he was 7, saying he has a better chance of life than mistakes. His mom got a lot of boyfriends, who abused and...and even raped poor, innocent, naive young Brock. He ran away when he was 16 and we met, along with my second in command, Tyler aka Wildcat. Just thinking about Tyler's past makes my hands curl up in fists, my gaze narrows and sharpens, anger flared across my whole body. I guess Brock noticed and laid a comforting hand on my left arm, instantly calming me down. That's one of his little perks, being able to calm us down with one little touch.

"Uh, maybe pizza?" I question, hoping it's not too much for Brock. With the amount of work he does, he doesn't have much of a problem, even though we offer to help. I guess he's so used to being a maid and having no help, that he makes this work look easy, which isn't, in my case.

But Brock smiled that warm smile and nodded, walking to the large kitchen and began to make his delicious homemade pizza. Tyler walked over and nodded at me, rubbing his arm as he sat at the table. I raise a brow and sit next to him, keeping my distance.

"You alright Tyler?" I ask, hoping he isn't getting any thoughts. He had a abusive home, living with his drunken father. His father often invited his drunken friends over and they all beat Tyler mercilessly. One day, when Tyler was 13, he ran away from home after his father and his friends raped him. A man found him and offered him help. Despite being in a rough household, Tyler held a sense of innocence in him and let the guy take him home. It turned out, the guy was a member of our rival gang, The Night Devils. They beat Tyler everyday, until Tyler amazingly escaped and found me when we were 16. We formed our group, seeing a bus and hijacking it. A month later, we found Brock and stuck together since. I'm currently 21, so is Tyler, Brock, Jonathan aka Delirious, Ryan aka Ohm, and Scotty aka 407. But getting back on track, Tyler has had suicidal thoughts and self harmed, but Brock talked to him and Tyler stopped. I smile at the thought, Brock and Tyler would make a cute couple. It's no secret that all of us were either bi-sexual or gay.

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