Chapter Two

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|Getting Used To Change|
Evan aka Vanoss POV

I watched as Jaren and Brock climbed into the van, Jaren sitting in the passenger seat. My heart sank as I saw that Jaren only carried a old black backpack. All his belongings fit in there? I sigh for what seemed like the tenth sigh tonight and began to drive back to our bunker, watching Jaren from the corner of my eye.

He looked calm, safe, and peaceful, his eyes slowly closing. He looks absolutely beautiful when he sleeps, but whimpers escaped those soft plump lips. I continued to drive, seeing a familiar flag up ahead. I drove to the garage and parked the car, nodding as Marcel and Scotty walked over. Tyler and Brian held onto Lisa, taking her to The Prison. Nogla and Jon got out, walking inside. I look at Jaren once more, not wanting to wake him up. But I have to, sadly.

"Hey Jaren, wake up" I say softly, touching the boy's shoulder. He woke up instantly, flinching away from me, tears in his beautiful eyes. I realized they were bloodshot, but he calmed as he saw me, his lips curling up in a small smile.

"Sorry, I just uh...haven't had a good sleep in months...possibly three years" Jaren let out a sad chuckle at the end, hugging his backpack. I look at Brock, who nodded.

"I can show you to your room. Come on" Brock says softly, leading Jaren inside. I smile, getting out of the van and met with Scotty and Macrel.

Those two are so close, always by each other's side. Marcel came from a good home, being the sixth person to join the crew. He has a mom, sister, and brother. They're all nice, very sweet and funny. Marcel joined because he heard that we needed a computer genius. Marcel is serious, chill, funny, and always on track. He rages a lot, especially when we play video games. Scotty on the other hand, has had a rough childhood. His dad was abusive and his mother died when he was 8. Scotty is funny and can be serious, having a child like attitude. Scotty is the seventh person to join our crew.

"So, it's done. What would we do with Jaren?" Scotty asked, looking up at me with his bright blue eyes. I smile at him and ruffle his light brown hair.

"Let him decide on what he wants to do. I...I'm just worried he's going to be like you, Tyler, Brock, and Jon. We heard and saw shit...but we can protect and welcome him. Right?" I explain, watching as Marcel and Scotty nodded their heads.

"You got it, boss" Marcel salutes and goes over to the van. Scotty follows him, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I walk over to the house, taking a moment to calm myself and entered, seeing Brian and Nogla cheer and take a shot of whiskey, Tyler and Luke aka Cartoonz rough housing, and the others laughing and talking. I smiled and took off my mask, holding it against my chest with my left arm.

I walk up the stairs, looking across the hall to see Brock shutting one of the guest room door behind him gently. He looked up and saw me, smiling and walked over.

"How is he?" I ask, feeling worried for the young teen.

"He's alright, just taking a shower. He uh..he doesn't have any clothes with him. He just brought items that were important to him. What should we do?" Brock explains, a frown on his usual happy features. Maybe Ryan aka Ohm can lend some of his clothes, or Scotty. But I am the leader of this gang, so shouldn't I lend some of my clothes to Jaren?

"He would look cute in clothes a few sizes to big on him. Especially if they are your clothes, Evan"

"No, he would want his own clothes and style. Maybe have Brock lend him some clothes, then take him shopping later on"

I mentally groan at my thoughts, knowing this was going to be somewhat difficult, if Jaren chooses to stay. Would he? For me? No, I'm being selfish, he needs a real family and home, an education, not more violence and crime in his life.

"I can lend him some of my clothes, until we go shopping to get him stuff" I say, shrugging my shoulders like it's no big deal, when in reality, it is. I have to admit, Jaren is beautiful and perfect, he's drawing me in like a moth to a flame.

Brock smiled and nodded, going downstairs to probably make something for dinner. I go into my room and began searching for a clean pair of sweats, a t-shirt, and a new pair of boxers. Looking at my mask, I decide not to wear it, leaving my room and going over to Jaren's room, knocking on the door hesitantly. A soft 'come in' came from the other side, so I opened the door to see Jaren with a towel wrapped around his whole body. His hair dripped water, making it slide down his rosy cheeks and to the rugged floor.

"Oh, I uh, got you some clothes. Brock is washing your clothes, but I uh, thought, do you want to go shopping later, for personal care and clothes and other stuff" I say a little to quickly, feeling my face heat up. But Jaren gave me a small smile and nodded, walking towards me cautiously. I let him get close to me, around arm length. He brought out his left hand, taking the bundle of clothes from my light grasp. He walked back into the restroom quietly, his footsteps not making a single sound. He can be really useful to the gang. No, he wouldn't want to stay.

The butterflies came back, and my heart hurt. But a good kind of hurt. Maybe I do like Jaren, but wouldn't I be a percent or something? He is young, younger than me. But what if he feels the same? No.

Sometimes I hate it when my thoughts debated with each other.

"Um...Vanoss" Jaren's quiet voice broke me away from my growing thoughts. I look at him, feeling my jaw drop all over again like an hour ago.

My shirt didn't fit him perfectly, the sleeve showing his right shoulder, the pale skin making me want to go over and mark him mine. The sweats needed to be rolled up since they almost covered his feet. It's so tempting, and I craved him.

"You look beautiful...shit uh, I mean, cool" I blush, rubbing the back of my neck. Jaren's face turned a dark red, making my inner self feel a sense of pride.

"Uh, thanks" Jaren says, rubbing his arm and he rested himself on his hip, making him appear shorter.

"Dinner is ready!" Brock's voice shouted from downstairs. Jaren perked up, looking at me. I give him a reassuring smile, gesturing with my hand.

"Let's go eat"

*Sorry if it seems short. Got a small view of Marcel's (BasicallyIDoWrk) and Scotty's (FourZer0Seven) past. And if you would like any ships in this story, feel free to tell me. And as always, I hope ye enjoy!*

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