Chapter 3: My True Identity

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I whipped around to see a group of what looked like knights. They all wore shinning armor and they all carried fierce looking swords just like Nehemia did. Although they looked pretty menacing alltogether, I didn't feel like I was in danger.

Form the colours they wore, I could tell they were knights from the great Kingdom of Azlantean. During school they had taght us all about the greatest kingdom on Bragon. The Kingdom of Azlantean that was bessed with ripe lands and powerful magic. A kingdom that stood far above the other kingdoms in terms of might. Their Kingdoms colours were black, white and royal blue. The soldiers in front of me were wearing white metal armour with blue capes. So they must have been knights from Azlantean, but what were knights of Azlantean doing so far south from their kingdom.

I stood there for a moment waiting for one of them to address me, but they all just stared at me. So I decided that I would make the first move.

"Greetings." I bowed my head to them because I was trying to be polite, I mean I didn't wan't to make some armed knights angry with me.

Still, they just stared at me. As I looked up into their faces I could see they all had utter disbelief in their expressions. Was it because of my elemental magic... No that couldn't be it, I mean it was pretty advanced magic, but still it shouldn't have been enough to make a troop of knights speechless.

Suddenly their was movement within the group of knights as one knight, who was dressed in completely black armor with a royal-blue and gold cape, started walking towards me.

Suddenly their was movement within the group of knights as one knight, who was dressed in completely black armor with a royal-blue and gold cape, started walking towards me

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Duke Cassian above

He had long pitch-black hair that fell all the way down to his waist, and I noticed that he had a sharp jaw and even sharper eyes. He was very handsome and it felt like he carried a certain dark and wild energy around him. His eyes were zoning in on me as he walked closer to me. As I looked into his eyes I noticed that they were the same colour as mine, the same golden amber colour.

He stopped right in front of me which made me realise how tall he was, maybe six foot five inches, then kneeled down to my height and stared at me for a few moments. A perplexed frown on his face. His hand then reached out to me and for a moment I thought about pulling away, but for some reason I didn't. I let his large hand come to rest on my small cheek.

"How old are you?" He asked sincerely, as he cupped my face in his hands. I didn't feel like he was threaatening me, it actually felt like he was being nurturing. And since I was a little kid, I ate that kind of thing right up.

"I am almost seven years old, Sir." At my answer I saw raw emotion spill out of him, a mixture of relief and joy.

"It's really you, isn't it?" He asked me as if I could really answer a question that I didn't understand.

Just then Nehemia's voice broke through the silence of the forest, "Master! Are you here? Lunch is ready!" She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw all the knights around me.

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