Chapter 1

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Leticia's POV

"How is she?" My sister has been calling me every two hours ever since her daughter left Spain and moved in here. She keeps checking on her constantly.

"She'll be fine. I guess?" I glanced into my niece's room, and she only arrived yesterday pero up until now ay hindi parin siya lumalabas ng kwarto niya. Grabeng bata 'to, ganito na ba talaga ang bagong henerasyon? Chos!

I kept on bugging and pestering her pero nakakaloka, ayaw patibag. Pinapadalhan ko nalang siya ng foods sa maid para naman hindi siya magutom.

"Is that so? Well, I must depart. Meetings await me. Goodbye! Take good care of my beloved daughter!"

"Bye, my hermana!"

I ended up the call.

Tumaas ako ng hagdan at humarap sa pintuan ng room ni Lucia. I met her twice lang, and yes, my pamangkin is weird as fuck! Sorry ha, pero siya nalang ata yung ganito sa generation nila.

I knocked on her door, but there was no response. I persisted with my knocking until she finally decided to open the door. Narindi na ata, sana hindi niya ako saksakin no.

"Aaaah!" We both screamed in chorus.

Nagulat lang ako, ang puti puti naman kasi ng suot niya! Akala ko white lady! S'ya pa ata papatay ng maaga sa'kin dahil sa nerbyos.

As I entered her room, I couldn't help but feel a chill run down my spine. She was utterly unsettling, sending shivers down my spine.

The cabinets were filled with eerie objects, and skeleton figures lurked beside her bed, adding to the unsettling atmosphere of the room.

What the actual fuck? May kulto bang nagaganap dito?

"Tía, may I ask you a favor?" Oh, she can speak naman pala.

"What is it, pamangkin?"

"Can I paint my room, black?" She asked

"H-Ha?" Eh?

"Can I?"

"A-Ah, sure." Yun nalang ang nasabi ko. Mygod, may sa demonyo ata 'tong pamangkin ko.

"Thanks, you can leave."

"Excuse me?"

"You can leave. Unless, you want to watch a horror movie with me." She smiled, a creepy one.

"Ah, no thanks." At dali-dali akong lumabas ng kwarto niya.

Holy, shit! This job is undoubtedly the most challenging one I've ever tackled in my life.


"What do you think should I do with my pamangkin?" I asked Red, my gay bestfriend.

"A psychiatrist would do."

"You're not helping."

"Duh, you asked for it." "Did he just roll his eyes at me?

"Well, do you think I should try to encourage her to dress more traditionally feminine, socialize, and so on?"

"I'm telling you, it'll not work. Why don't you hire someone, a boyfriend would do. Malay mo, makadama ng change of heart si bakla."

Hire a boyfriend for her? My ate is going to kill me, I swear!

"Her parents are going to kill me!"

"They'll definitely kill you, unless you won't tell them."

Oh, God! He's such an evil!

"You're a genius!" I hugged him.

"Girl, don't you dare do that again without asking for permission." Lalaki parin ako."

"Ew, Bench! Stop! You're cringey."

And he just laughed at me. A manly one.


I just finished eating when my assistant called to inform me that my niece needs to take an entrance examination, and after that, voilà! She'll be enrolled. If she passes, and I know she will.

Red is calling..


"Do you want some pasalubong?"

"I'm craving for sweets. Any kind of desserts would do."

"It's been a week, how's your pamangkin been doing?"

"She's not leaving her room for anything. I'm starting to wonder if she's even alive."

"Just go ahead with my suggestion. It'll work."

"Okay, okay, gotta go. Anyways, I miss you, bitch!"

"I miss you too. Bye!"


He ended the call without even bothering to respond. What a dork.

Red and I have been best friends since high school. He's now a pilot, and I'm working as an international model.

We've been best friends forever, but he never responds to my "I love you's." Why is that? Is he secretly in love with me? Just kidding!


"You need to take your entrance examination!" I shouted in anger. I've been forcing her for like hours! Tatanda ako ng maaga sa kanya, swear!

"I don't want to go to school!"

"But, you need to go to college!"


"Don't make me break into your room and destroy all your creepy stuff. Don't push me, because I'll turn it all into ashes. Try me!"

Five seconds later, the door opened.

Nakaka wrinkles na 'to ha.

"Let's go."

"You're going out in those clothes?"

I looked at her from head to toe, unable to believe what I was seeing.

"It doesn't matter. I just want to get that entrance exam over with!"

Oh, God. I just want to die, as in, now na.

To be continued..

The Girl Next Door: What's in her closet?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon