The Crash

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William had been waiting for someone to come into the ally for almost an hour. The rain was now poring, and potential target could now be heard reentering the building. He would have to look elsewhere for a victim. This wouldn't have been his first kill. In fact, this would be the fifth. The first four were also kids, not counting the dog. There were other places to find pray, like parks or stores. As he pulled out, he noticed one of the children staring at him through the front window. This, in turn, distracted him long enough to not notice that he has in the path of an oncoming car.

Linda did not have a good day. Her morning coffee was cold, the babysitter couldn't make it, her husband was just laid off, and now she was late for her job interview. There was no way this day could possibly get worse. Her son, Jeremy, then began to cry. She looked back to pick up the bottle he dropped. Once she was done, her eyes were on the road just long enough to realize she was about to crash. She tried to push the brakes, but it was too late.

The front of her car smashed into the side of the other vehicle, fatally crushing the driver. Meanwhile, Linda had gone into cardiac arrest. Her recently operated on kidney had also torn, causing internal bleeding. Jeremy, the baby in the back seat, dropped his bottle once again and began to cry. Mommy can't help you. She's dying.


Some of the drivers were trying to help the kid out of the car, while others tried to redirect the traffic around the cars. People standing in the rain and helping as much as they could before the emergency workers could arrive The people inside mostly stood still, frozen in shock and fear. For most, the day had started so nice and ordinary. Finally, a voice piped up.

"It was the witch!" Cried out the mother who had demanded the attention of a manager. She pointed her finger at the little girl being held in father's arms. Henry didn't take kindly to that.

"What is wrong with you? I mean it. What in the world is wrong with you? You see a car crash, and instead of worrying about the people in the cars, you decide to call my daughter a witch. For what? So you can gloat about much 'holier' you are? People could be dying and you're still focused on feeling superior. Now, I'll start closing once the medics are done, and if I hear another word from you today I will ban you and your son permanently. Do I make myself clear?" The rant ended and the room was silent. The once irate mother just nodded in agreement and told her kids to follow her to the car.

Emergency services finally arrived, as well as police and news reporters. Questions were asked, people gave their statements, and a child was taken into custody until the father could be contacted. The robots had been turned off a while ago and were now being cleaned. Once the police gave the go, people slowly left, one kid having to be stopped to get the ball-pit ball out of his pants. Soon it was only the employees, Henry, and Charlie left in the restaurant. After the staff had finished, Henry closed the establishment down for the night guard to check later. He and Charlie went home in silence.

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