Part 24 Wonder

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We'd been home around a week and now we were going back to school, I worried about Y/N since she was pregnant and I knew about the bullying but she waved me off. I got ready and went to fix my hair, I bit my lip at the thought of going back to school when we really didn't have too since it's be around for a long time and so would we, I also worried people might notice the others not getting older but I decided to finished getting ready before looking at myself in the mirror.

 I got ready and went to fix my hair, I bit my lip at the thought of going back to school when we really didn't have too since it's be around for a long time and so would we, I also worried people might notice the others not getting older but I de...

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When I went down stairs I glared at Y/N, she was wearing something I didn't like.

When I went down stairs I glared at Y/N, she was wearing something I didn't like

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Jin- "Change Y/N."

she looked at me and smiled.

Y/N- "No time~ lets go."

I rolled my eyes and went to school with them, Kat and Y/N walked together like always and laughed while the boys were of course lagging behind or ahead, I had to admit that Y/N was very beautiful and I would have fallen for her if we'd met a long time ago. Now we were in dance class and when we came in everyone shut up and screamed for us like usual, Y/N and Kat both got some looks but ignored it.

Teacher- "Well with you boys back why don't I have Y/N and Taehyung dance here and now for us. change and come back"

Y/N looked at Taehyung and I knew it'd be hard for her since she was pregnant but she did as she was told and they both changed.

Jimin- "Jin, can she handle it?"

Namjoon- "Possibly."

Hoseok- "since when are you Jin Namjoon?"

Yoongi- "since they're a couple?"

Jungkook- "does that make you me?"

Jin- "shut up, they're back."

When the music started to play I worried a lot but Y/N and Taehyung looked okay.

(not them, just what the dance looks like.)

After the dance I saw Y/N and Kat going to change so I went to Taehyung who had worry in his eyes.

Jin- "she okay?"

Taehyung- "She said she was hurting before she left.."

me and Taehyung went to check on her and saw her and Kat with the girls who'd bullied her.

Girl 1- "So the slut is engaged? To which one?"

Kat- "Leave her alone."

girl 2- "Why? she lesbian too?"

girl 3- "It'd make sense"

I stopped Jungkook from going to Y/N and he looked at me.

Jin- "hold on."

I noticed Y/Ns position, she was about to speak for herself and I knew she had some spunk to her so I stopped him to watch her.

Y/N- "You call me a slut because I hang out with them and they never once paid you any attention? Also if being engaged to Taehyung make me a slut then okay but I won't let you talk about my friends like that and you might want to watch yourself because I have a pretty bad temper recently."

Girl 1- "You've slept with all of them you fucking whore, you and Kat both need to learn your places."

Boy 1- "Oh, think I can take her for a spin?"

Taehyung looked pissed off but I still kept him still while other guys got closer and the girls left, Kat was forcefully moved but I watched closely as Y/N popped her knuckles.

(this is about how it looked)

I noticed her pose wavering and Taehyung took off to catch her when she fell to the ground panting and Kat ran to her other side, I hurried over and noticed she passed out.

Kat- "Taehyung you stay here at school with the others, Jin come with me to get her home."

I nodded and helped Kat get Y/N home, I closed my eyes and laid my hand on her stomach while she was on the couch, I felt the baby and relaxed some.

Jin- "over exserted herself."

She nodded and we both looked at Y/N as she woke up. Kat had told me about the situation in hell and I knew we'd have to fight soon so we'd need to break it to her.

Y/N- "ow.."

Jin- "feel okay?"

she nodded and Kat took a seat beside her, sourness on her face and I nodded, knowing we had to tell her now.

Kat- "Y/N...Your mother is planning to come here and fight. I think we need to bring the fight to her."

She nodded.

Jin- "That means...You might need to let us have some of your blood as a power boost and change the two into full vampires"

she gulped.

Y/N- "But...Won't their venom hurt me since Taehyungs..."

Kat- "Not from can cut your hand and drip it into a cup too, but since your pregnant it will be stronger and help the power boost up BIG"

I nodded in agreement. Y/N and us talked up until the others got home and when they did we talked to them about it, Taehyung agreed as long as he was the only one aloud to bite Y/N and Jimin was a bit annoyed with it but decided it'd help

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