chapter 1 ~ the plan

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-Jane's POV-

today, Audrey, Corinne, Carlos, Mal, Evie, Doug, Chad, and i have planned to meet up for a while to talk about Jay and Lonnie. it's snowing outside so we're in the library, where we know Jay and Lonnie won't be.
"so how on earth are we gonna do this?" Corinne asks once we're all settled.
"hold on, did Lonnie day when she's getting rid of the baby?" Carlos asks.
"i don't think so. it's very clear that she doesn't want to" i say.
"well, she's probably gonna be forced to sooner or later, so let's not waste time"
"disobeying her parents isn't and option." Audrey tells everyone.
"Audrey?" a small female voice says quietly behind us. we turn and see Carly, tears streaming down her dark red cheeks. it was clear that she had been crying, a lot. she slowly walks towards us as quietly as possible. "can i talk to you?"
"uh, sure" Audrey responds, unsure. the two girls walk out of the library and we decide to keep talking.
"if only there were a way to prove that Jay and Lonnie are meant to be" Doug sighs. an idea pops into my head.
"there might be" i say, slightly unsure. "i'll have to look it up but i'm pretty sure that there's a way"
"great. Jane will do some research and what will the rest of us do?" Chad asks.
"you guys can go. i probably won't take that long but i'll text you all." i tell them. they all leave except Carlos. "you can go, too"
"i'm gonna stay here and keep you company" he protests "and watch you read" i laugh and pick out some books, Carlos following me, and sit down at and empty table with him. i go through all the books but when i'm reading the chapter names of the last book, Fairytale Love, the last chapter is titled, What is True Love? i turn to the chapter and read it carefully. i find the perfect thing, the love flower. i read the description.
Not sure if you have true love? Use this flower to find out! This rare flower is the brightest pink in warm weather, and the lightest blue in cold weather. These flowers can be found only near enchanted lake water, which is equally as rare. If you can get this flower and and wear it in some way, kiss who you're not sure is your true love and if they bloom, it's true love! If they don't open, however, it's not true love.
i gasp and show it to Carlos. we check out the book and show it to everyone else the next day.
"this is perfect!" Audrey exclaims. we just need to get these flowers, have Jay and Lonnie kiss, and BOOM!"
"yeah, but how are we gonna get ahold of any of these flowers? don't all plants die in the winter?" Chad asks.
"most plants do" i correct him. "they grow only by enchanted lake water, so they don't die."
"so we're going to the enchanted lake, find these flowers, get Jay and Lonnie to wear them, they kiss, and that's it?" Carlos asks.
"well, i think only Lonnie was to wear them." i say, looking at my phone. we get coats, gloves, and hats on and go to the enchanted lake. on the way, Audrey tells me what Carly said.
"she found out that Max was cheating on her" she explains. "so she broke up with him. then she realized how much of a jerk she'd been, so she came looking for me to apologize." when we get to the enchanted lake, we look all around. i look behind a rock and see a very faded light blue sign. i move all the dirt and snow off it and lay it out. i can barely see what it says but i can see that it says 'happy birthday' there's a name next to it but i can't tell what it says. i look up and see that Audrey's closest to me and i call her over.
"can you tell what this says?" i ask her.
"happy birthday..." she squints. "Jane." i can tell she's upset. i think of why, then remember that this is where i had my birthday party and Audrey was evil. i quickly cover it in snow and walk away.
"hey guys, i think i found one!" Chad says and we all go over. the smallest bit of baby blue is visible through some snow. Chad brushes the snow away and sure enough, there's a baby blue bulb.
"how many do we need?" Corinne asks.
"2 to 3" i tell them. Chad picks 3 of the bulbs, carefully puts them in his pocket, and we walk to me and Carlos' house.
"so we need to make a way for Lonnie to wear these" i say when Chad lays the bulbs onto a table.
"we could do a flower crown" Corrine suggests.
"ooo can i make an outfit?" Evie squeals and i nod. "yay! i gotta go make it! come, Doug" she pulls Doug's hand and they leave. i look in my closet and find a fake flower crown. i put it on the table and take the flowers off. i take each of the bulbs and wrap their stems around the fake crown.
"there" i say when i'm done. the next day, Evie sends me a picture of the dress.

i respond, it's perfect!"we have to get Jay, Lonnie, and her parents together" i tell everyone when they come over and sit down

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i respond, it's perfect!
"we have to get Jay, Lonnie, and her parents together" i tell everyone when they come over and sit down. "which will be very hard considering they barely talk to me because i'm married to a VK."
"i have an i idea!" Carlos says and we all look at him. "we'll sneak in and then Lonnie will get her parents into a room and all of us, including Jay, will walk in and Jay and Lonnie can kiss"
"wow, you really think like a VK." i laugh. "but even if the flowers do bloom, i don't think Lonnie's parents will let any of us near Lonnie if we sneak in. Audrey and i will knock on the door, go to Lonnie's room, get her in the dress Evie made and put the flower crown on and..." i'm interrupted by my phone ringing. Lonnie's calling me. i excuse myself and go into another room.
(L=Lonnie. J=Jane.)
J- Lonnie, what's wrong?
L- i'm showing!
J- don't worry. can Audrey and i come over tomorrow?
L- i guess so.
J- great. see you tomorrow
~end of call~
i go back into the living room and tell everyone the plan. the next day, Audrey and i go over to Mulan and Shang's house and knock. Audrey stands in front and talks to them. they let us in and we go to Lonnie's room. when we get there, i give the dress to her and while she's changing, Audrey and i tell her the plan. when she's ready, i call Carlos and tell him that he and everyone, including Jay, can come over now. we get Lonnie's parents into a room and i answer the door when there's a knock. everyone comes i to the room and Lonnie's parents turn red with anger when Jay walks in.
"now, we understand that you guys separated Jay and Lonnie for a good reason, but they love each other. and there's no magic that's stronger than true love. so the flowers that are on Lonnie's flower crown are the rare Love Flowers. if someone is wearing them, which Lonnie is, and they kiss their true love, the flowers will bloom. if they don't open, then they don't have true love." i tell Lonnie's parents.

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