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( summertime blues )

—( summertime blues )❝ STUPID FUCKING ORPHAN! ❞

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On a stormy night, a bright-eyed baby was left on the doorstep of Derry's hospital; no name, no history, no family. Thus, she was given the name 'Jane Doe'. The nurses figured that she would receive a proper name once she was adopted. Unfortunately, that day never came. Instead, poor Jane was placed into Derry's foster care system. Raised to believe she was absolutely nothing, Jane grew up promising herself that she would be so much more than 'absolutely nothing'. She kept to herself in school, got good grades. She wanted to make sure that she was smart enough to get out of this dead-end town when the time came.

Jane Doe never misbehaved in school. Her record was squeaky-clean: never tardy, never disobedient, never starting a fight. However, that didn't mean she wouldn't finish one. And when she walked in on Greta and her little clique pouring trash on a girl in the stall, she knew that was a fight that she just had to finish.

As Greta and her friends laughed, Jane felt her blood boil. She hated Greta more than anyone in the entire school—besides Henry Bowers, that is. But her hate for Greta was enough to compel Jane clock her square in the jaw. Hearing a satisfying 'crunch' as her fist connected with Greta's face was nearly euphoric for Jane. Greta stumbled back, clutching her jaw. "You stupid fucking orphan!" Greta screamed, which only made Jane want to hit her again. 

"Get the fuck out of here, Greta," Jane seethed, which made Greta flinch. Greta composed herself and made her way to the exit, her girls in tow. She stopped in front of Jane, looking her up and down with distaste. Jane stood her ground, puffing out her chest and glaring at the pack of bullies with hate in her eyes.

"You're not even worth fighting," Greta hissed, "a pathetic little shitling like you. No wonder your parents threw your ass in the mud." She shoved past Jane harshly, and her friends gave Jane looks of disgust as they walked past.

Jane quickly regained her composure, turning her attention the the girl in the stall. "Are you okay in there?" She asked, knocking softly. Jane heard the lock unlock, making her take a step back. The door was pushed open and there stood Beverly Marsh. Jane had seen her around and they even shared a class together, but they had never actually talked. Her long auburn hair was pulled into a loose pony tail, and her bangs were swept across her forehead. She brandished a lopsided grin, which made Jane blush slightly.

"Did you punch Greta in the face?" She asked excitedly, causing Jane's blush to deepen. She simply nodded sheepishly in response, realizing her actions were brash and could end up getting her in trouble—why is it that she always realized that after doing what she shouldn't do? "Holy shit, that's awesome." Beverly raised the cigarette to her lips and took a drag. Jane could feel her lungs tightening as Beverly breathed out the smoke. Beverly took notice to Jane's discomfort and turned around, flicking the cigarette into the toilet and flushing it.

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