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( kleptomania )


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Beverly and Jane walked around town together, talking about how much they hated school and how much they wanted to be graduated already—despite only being middle schoolers. Beverly talked about getting out of Derry, away from her dad. At first, Jane didn't understand why anyone would want to run away from their parents. She longed to have a family that loved her more than anything—but after Beverly explained her home life Jane was able to grasp why getting away from him was a good idea. "I know it's not much," Jane began, "but if you ever need a place to stay you could stay with me in the basement of my foster family's house. They never really check up on me, so they won't know that you're there. We can split my dinners and share the cot. It's not very warm down there, so we would have to share the blanket too... we would need to share everything, actually." Beverly laughed and grabbed Jane's hand.

"Thanks Jane," she smiled warmly, "a sleepover sounds like a lot of fun." Jane blushed as they walked hand in hand, feeling thankful for the new understanding of what it was like to have a girl friend, or a even just a friend in general.

"Hey Beverly," Jane eyed the drugstore slyly, her heart starting to pump excitedly, "are you hungry?" Beverly looked over at her curiously, but when she saw the glint of mischief in Jane's eyes as they stopped in front of the drugstore she knew exactly where Jane was going.

"Why yes, Jane," she agreed gleefully, "I'm simply starving!" The two girls entered the store and proweled the isles, deciding which snacks they wanted for themselves. Beverly returned to Jane with a pair of chocolate bars in her hands, and subtly slipped them into Jane's backpack. "I need tampons, Jane." Beverly said with a frown, and Jane ushered her over to that isle.

As Beverly reached for the box they took notice to Greta, who was exiting the store. They made a b-line for the next isle over, and Jane saw three boys stuffing medicine, bandages, gauze and wipes into their arms. She recognized them instantly—the Losers. "Hey," Jane said softly, "how do you idiots plan to get all that shit out of here without being caught?" Bill looked over at her with wide eyes, but softened when he noticed it was her.

"Well, we di-didn't thu-think that f-far ahead," Bill blushed as he looked over at Jane, who chuckled softly. She looked over she shoulder at Beverly, a grin on her face. Quickly, she turned to face the boys again.

"I can steal it for you." She whispered, a hint of excitement in her tone. Eddie shot her a weird look. She tried to hide her eagerness, but her eyes were glossed over with the sheer excitement of stealing something again—especially such a large haul. The thought of it alone put her in pure ecstasy.

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