In which Minho is searching for his soulmate but all he knows about the boy is his name, school he attends and grade.
He has two choices, will he pick the right one?
Will he fulfill to find his soulmate or will he give up?
Minho was sitting on his bed looking at the card he was given before he was sent to Seoul. He kept rereading the words that decorated the card which were "Jisung|second year of high school|SKZ high school" He smiled gently due to the fact that those same letters weren't there when he first received the card. In fact they had just appeared yesterday morning, when his plane landed in Seoul, South Korea. Meaning that his soulmate had been somewhere near him but Minho didn't notice since the card was in his back pocket during their encounter. Well it wasn't much of an encounter since Minho never really saw his soulmate. Minho quietly sighed as he ran his fingers through his light brown locks due to the frustration he been feeling since he saw the card. He pressed his lips into a thin line as he sighed once again. "How am I supposed to find this Jisung kid if all I know about him is his name, grade he is in and the school he attends!!" He yelled out as he laid down on his bed. Chan walked into the room as he heard the younger's outburst. He stared at the younger male and let out a low quiet chuckle before speaking. "You can start by getting ready. Today is our first day at that new school." Chan said as he walked up to the latter's bed. Minho glanced up at Chan, rolling his eyes in the process as he sighed for the third time that morning. "But I don't want to go to school Chan!" Minho screeched like a little kid in elementary would. Chan glared at Minho before opening his mouth to speak again. "First, don't roll your eyes at me mister!" Minho looked at Chan, frowning as he knew Chan's dad side was showing. He didn't really fancy that side of Chan since the older would just end up scolding Minho as if he was a little kid who didn't know better. But Minho knew better. Oh he really knew better but Minho being Minho, he would do anything and everything that could possibly get Chan upset or simply angry at the younger. "Second, get your ass up before we end up being late!" Minho had just snapped out of his thoughts being sure to hear what Chan said, not wanting to make the older male angry early in the morning. Chan didn't wait for Minho to respond he simply took matters into his own hands by pulling Minho up off the bed and onto his feet. He could hear how Minho was quietly mumbling a few words to Chan but the older didn't pay much attention to the latter. He escorted Minho to their shared closet. Yes, Chan had his own room but he would usually sleep in the younger's room which explains why his clothes are in Minho's closet.
In the closet, both Chan and Minho chose their outfits, joking around about some of them once in while. Indeed, both males were used to changing in front of each other since they have been very close since their elementary years- so it wasn't new to them. Once they both changed into their attires both males walked out of the closet and headed off to the bathroom.
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{their outfits| Minho left| Chan right}
Both males were used to doing basically everything together since they've been friends since forever so it really didn't bother them. Chan and Minho both did their morning routines, the routines being basically the same. Once they were done the both males headed to the kitchen.
Chan marching into the kitchen to make breakfast for Minho and himself as for Minho, he sat down on their dining table, to be precisely.
Before moving to Seoul, Minho and Chan decided on sharing a small house together which was why they are always together every day, hour, minute and seconds.
I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I'll be posting the next chapter soon.
Okay, but this chapter was actually longer than I expected damn.Anyways I'll see you guys on the next chapter.
Oh oh also don't forget to vote, comment and share this story! It would mean the world to me😔👉🏻👈🏻.