its too much

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This one is a little short

It's been two week since the attack. The bar was now closed and rumors where running around the streets. (Y/n) was well enough to go shopping, she needed to after two weeks of just laying and resting. A lot of things hurt still, and  the Bruises have yet to fade, leaving a nasty purple color.

A loud sigh escaped (y/n) as she closed her front door. She now had to find a new job, and the best part jack and Cole would take turns watching. Yes that's what (y/n) asked for, but now it was worse. Always hovering. It's like they felt pity for (y/n)

Jack looked at (y/n) with a raised brow, asking if she was ok. (Y/n) raised her hand while leaning on the door, signaling to give her a moment.

Taking another breath. (Y/n) got up. "Ok let's go."

Jack nodes as they started to walk to town, which now had a  curphew thanks to the murder of her drunk boss.

(Y/n) was not looking forward about going into town, she had little money, and people where always whispering about now her. It's like they now saw her as a bad omen. Something to fear and cower from.

Jack looked at (y/n) as they walked. "You know, if you cant get a job.... well uh.." he started to speak but was cut off by (y/n)

"No jack. I need to pay you and cole. "

"feeding us and housing us enough."

Jack was meet with silence. He sighed as they finally came alone the brick path into the town. This was going to be a long day.

Constant whispers

"Did you hear? I bet she told that filthy beast to kill her boss!"

Constant blabbering

"What even are thoese vampire hunters doing? The town would be safer if they all left with that damn vampire."

(Y/n) could hear her name being whispered.

"Who the hell survives a vampire twiCole. It was more then twice but they didn't need to know that.

Constant pressure of eyes.

"She must be one."

Constant assumptions.

"You think she is working with that monster to get more blood?"

The whispering was constant.
(Y/n) was close to cracking. She went door to door to find a new job, even if it doesn't pay well, only for people to slam the door or say they didnt want to die by a monster.

Some where nice about it, understanding this was not her felt, while other blamed her for putting everyone in danger.

(Y/n) sighed sitting on the grass. She was about to head home with jack.

It was silent for A bit, but a bit wasn't enough.
Jack's voice filled the warm air.
"You know... you can wait to pay us when you get a job back."

A sigh escaped (y/n)'s lips. If she could ever get one again.
"Maybe I should try one more store..."

"You already asked the whole town."

Silence hit (y/n)'s lips again. As if thinking, before a soft sound finally come out of her.

"Then I'll ask again in a few days..."

"You should fully heal first."

"And I should pay you first."

Jack grumbled putting his hand on his face. Damn they where both stubborn.

"Come on (y/n)... let's go home." He knelt down to take her hand, his grip was tight and snug, yet it didnt hurt.

jack helped (y/n) up,  and helped her home. At one point his arm looped around her as if comforting, but was it just comforting. Right?

Carfuly they got up. Tomarrow was another day. Tomarrow was a new start.

A new day, the same goal.

It's going to get better.

As the door closed to (y/n)'s house, red eyes glared pure hatred. Something was going to happen and it was not going to get better.

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