Edelgard x Reader

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Thank you angggggsbbs for the request! I hope you like it :)

And again, a sleepless night...why did they happen so often lately? Many people already asked me what happened to me, because I look so tired and done with everything. I couldn't tell, really.

I gave up and struggled to stay up, streched myself and sneakily left my room to wander around the now partially broken monastery. As I did so, many memories flew through my mind. Memories with our old classmates from the kingdom and the allianz...

I quickly shook my head to not get overwhelmed by those memories. The cold night gave me goosebumps, but I didn't care, it was comforting to breath this fresh air. I stood there for a while, after I noticed an appearance coming closer. Quickly, I turned around to see a certain platinum haired empress making her way towards me.

"Y/N? What are you doing here at this hour?", she asked with a slight strict tone, but still concerned, as she stepped to me. My body relaxed a bit and I looked up to the stars again.

"I could ask you the same thing you know. But...I guess we both just couldn't sleep, right?"

Edelgards gaze layed at me, I could tell without looking. "How did you know?"

I giggled. "Oh El, I know you better than you could imagine". As I called her El, her eyes widened. But she still looked happy, and that made me happy too. I don't even know why, but if Edelgard was happy, I was too, regardless my circumstances.

The red empress blushed a little bit and also looked up to the sky. After a while, she inhaled deeply.

"Y/N...may I ask you something?"

Now I'm the one to look at her. I tilted my head in confusion, she sounded and looked as if something was bothering her for a while now. I encouraged her to go on.

Edelgard didn't look away from the sky. "You spend a lot of time in your life in the chruch, am I right? Why...did you choose to follow me then five years ago?"

My gaze turned to the ground now. Edelgard knew that I was a noble who was expelled from her family, because she didn't bear a crest nor had any interests in her life and duties as a noble. They didn't tolerate it, and just expelled me. Rhea gladly took care of me and with that, I was now for years under the church's supervision. Edelgard knew all of that, and I still followed her to fight by her side against the one who took care of me all those years. I just shook my head.

"You know the reason, Edelgard. I don't have to tell you what you already know"

"But there is still something you hide from me. I can feel it"

I sighed. She won't believe me, but somehow....I can't believe myself either. There WAS something I was hiding, but what was it? I don't know.

"El...I really don't know what you mean. I just chose to fight for you, because you are so important to me. It's right that I probably did the worst betrayal in my life, but I just followed my heart. It said it couldn't bear the fact to fight against you, and I just listened. Besides, yours and my ideals are the same. I'm tired of the noble system, and you want to destroy it, right? So, both your motivation and your person kept me by your side"

She stood silent for a few seconds. I didn't look in her eyes once, and she still hold her gaze towards the stars.

"There's more. Go on", she just said and now finally looked at me.

I returned her gaze in confusion. As she noticed this, she took out a folded piece of paper, and I immediately knew what it was.

"Where did you get that??", I asked her nervously. Edelgard shook her head.

"Just tell me what this is about. Why did you paint me?"

I blushed in embarrassment and looked away. That wasn't all. If I only drew her, that would be okay though. But I added hearts around her and decorated her hair with beautiful flowers. I was so embarrassed right now, I wished the ground would just swallow me.

Suddenly I heard a giggle from the girl in front of me and my head shot up again. The platinum haired one took out another folded piece of paper and reached it out for me to grab it.

A brief moment of staring at the paper went pass, before I grabbed it and unfolded it. What I saw made my eyes open wide and cheeks heat up.

Edelgard giggled again by my reaction. "See? No need to be embarrassed. Seems like we just hid our feelings from each other"

I looked up from her painting of me, also decorated with hearts, and stared at her. "F-feelings?". Suddenly, I got very nervous.

"Yes, our feelings. Or am I wrong with my interpretation of your drawing?"

I neither did or said something. I was so confused. Was that the reason of my sleepless nights? Was there some deep emotion I didn't discovered yet? Did I...really have feelings towards Edelgard?

As she noticed my none existent reaction, a little sigh escaped her throat. "I'm sorry. Forget I said anything", she quietly said and looked away, was about to leave.

I was overwhelmed by the whole situation, but Edelgard needed to stay, so I had to say something.

"Wait!", was the only thing I managed to yell. She stopped, but didn't turn around, just waited for me to go on. But I didn't know how to go on. I fiddled with my thumbs, stuttering.

"I...you...El, please, I am confused. I have sleepless nights, but I don't know why. I painted the picture, but I don't know why. But I don't know if this is...if I am...", my voice got softer at the end.

Edelgard turned around and slowly walked towards me, and gently layed her hand on my cheek. I finally looked in her soft light purpel eyes, losing myself in there. She smiled and gently placed her lips on mine. My eyes widened, but I couldn't ignore the butterflies in my stomach by her action. After a brief moment, I melted into her touch, but she seperated herself quickly. We started into each others eyes for a while, before she started to speak up with a lovely voice.

"Did that help you to find the reason?"

My rosy cheeks spoke for themselves, but I still nodded, and barely whispered.

"Now I know it. I love you El. This feeling comes umexpected, but it's unbelievable beautiful. Maybe that's the third reason why I chose you instead of the church", I lightly giggled, and so did Edelgard. We held each other close, and investigated the opposites features which we adored.

"I promise you will not regret that choice", Edelgard gently said and then she hugged me, which I gladly returned. I was so happy that I couldn't stop to grin. My life is going to be even better from now on, and all thanks to the one woman I'm hugging right now.

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