8 | I Should Tell You*

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We were almost done with the tour and we just reached the halfway mark with tonight's show. We just finished up the Atlanta concert and were heading back to the hotel since we had a two break before we have to get back on the the road. "I need a bloody shower!" Brain says finding clean clothes to put on afterwards. "Yes you do! You stink!" I shout through the door and walls. While Brian was taking a shower, I got changed in the room. I was laying in bed reading when Brian came out of the bathroom. "Brian, when did you start to realize you liked me?" I ask not looking away from my book. "It sounds weird but since I can remember you." He laughs taking my book out of my hands. "Why are you asking me that?" He lays next to me.

"Because it's been two months since you told me you had small feelings for me, and wanted to see what could happen." I turn to look at him. "And for the past two months we have been very-," I cut him off. "You looked good on stage tonight." I wink at him and he gets on top of me. "You're bad." He leans down and kisses me hard. Before we know it, we both discarded all of our clothes. I bring my hand down to pump him a few times. His eyes flutter closed as he jerks a bit at my touch. "I will never get used to that." He says kissing me.

His hand goes in between my legs as he rubs me. He spreads my legs apart even further and places himself at my entrance. "Is this still weird for you?" Brian whispers in my ear. "Just a bit but I like it." I kiss his all along his jaw. Brian smiles as he bites his lip and slowly slips inside of me. We both moan out as he slides further in and pauses before slowly sliding himself out of me and then slams back inside. I dig my nails into his shoulders as I quietly cry out. He repeats this action several times before bringing his hand down to rub tiny circles on my nub.

"Fuck," I hiss at the contact. "Feel good?" He asks. "Harder." I bit my lip. Brian slams into me while nuzzling his face in the side of my neck. "I don't think I'm going to last long." He says fast. "Neither am I!" I moan out. He picks up his speed and is suddenly crying out my name as his body jerks. He fills me up as I hold him close to me and hit my high as well. Thank god, Poppy made sure I've on birth control since I was nineteen. "Now, I'm sure once I close my eyes... I'm out like a light." Brain kisses me goodnight and we fall asleep in each other's arm.


I wake up to knocking at the door and Brian wouldn't get up. I get out of bed and put on my panties and one of Brian's shirts opening the door. "What?" I ask with my eyes closed still trying to get the open all the way. "We want to go out for breakfast." Roger says walking in with Freddie and Deaky behind him. "MAY WAKE UP!" Roger yells making Brain wakes up and get up wrapping the blanket around him. "What's going on?" Brain asks standing in the doorway. "Why do you have the blanket around your waist?" Roger takes a seat in the sofa. "Wow, you're late drummer." Deaky laughs and Fred winks at me. "What do you-? Wait? You two!?" Roger points between me and Brian frantically. "Darling they've been shagging for the past two months." Freddie laughs and I get embarrassed. "FREDDIE!" I shout at him rushing to go change clothes.

I come back dressed for the day and Roger would not takes his eyes off of Brian sitting across the room. "What are we eating?" I asks and Brian stands up taking my hand in to his. "Up to Fred like always." He says and Deaky laughs. "Then let's go." Freddie smiles at us and on the way out I forget my bag. "I forgot my purse." I tell the boys and turn around unlocking the door. "I'll wait with her." Roger offers and the rest go to the lift.

"Why didn't you and Brian tell me you two got together?" Roger asks standing behind me. "I thought it was obvious." I say turning around to face him. "Well by all means... you two already acted like a couple when I first joined Smile. So I didn't think you two were now actually together, and you two never kiss when I'm around." I listen to him asking why it matters so much to him. "We just wanted to keep somethings to us and don't want other people outside of the band to know." I says finally finding my purse. "I'm sorry for not telling you." I says as we walk out the door. "Roger, Are you okay? You have this look on your face." I stop walking and pull him back to me.

"Do you know who Chrissie is?" He asks me. "Yeah, she's one of Brian's friends back home." I say but I'm starting to get confused. "Well back home they are more than friends. I heard that they were going to take a small break while we're gone till we go back." He says and I felt like I was being used. "Thank you for telling me Roger." I swallow the lump in my throat. "Alice, I just thought I should tell you." He places his hand in my shoulder. "It's good that you did. We should get back to the rest." I smile at him as we get in the lift.

"Took you two long enough." Brian smiles at us and I don't smile back. I was upset at the moment and just wanted to be alone. "Yeah, Sorry. I sorta had to use your bathroom badly." Roger's lied looking over at me. "Let's get going darlings, I'm hungry!" Freddie claps his hand and leaving Brain holds my hand. "You look upset." Brian leans down to whisper to me. "I'll tell you about it later." I let go of his hand to hold myself. "Was it something Roger did?" He makes me stop walking. "No, Roger didn't do anything to upset me." I start to walk again with Brian following behind.

When we get to a little fancy restaurant I sit between Roger and Freddie leaving Brian confused. "Darling, why aren't you sitting next to Brian?" Fred asks me and I look down at the table behind smiling at them. "Why do I have to sit next to everywhere we go. I share a hotel room with him." I joke and they laugh except Roger. "She's got a point." Deaky laughs as Brian sits next to him. "When you going to say something?" Roger leans in whispering in my ear. "When we get back to the hotel later tonight." I whispered back into his ear.

"What are you two darlings being secretive about?" Freddie asks us making us sit up straight. "Nothing that concerns any of you boys." I laugh slapping my hand on his leg. I look across the table and Brian was staring at me like he wanted to know what was going on. "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom." I leave the table and when I come back out of the bathroom, Brian was waiting outside the door. "What is going on with you?" Brian asks gripping onto my arm. "I already told you, I'll tell you when we go back to the hotel room." I tug my arm back leaving him there.

After two hours we finally get back to the hotel, and before I enter Roger holds me back," Good luck." I squeeze his bicep before closing the door behind me. "Now would you tell me what's going on with you?!" Brian sits down on the sofa. "Why didn't you tell me? That you and Chrissie were a thing before tour? Also that you two are on a break, but going to get back together when your is over. You said y'all were friends. Why didn't you tell me? When were you going to tell me?" I ask keeping my distance from him. "He told you didn't he?" Brian laughs and I was starting to get pissed.

"Who cares if he fucking told me! You DIDN'T and that hurts my feelings. Like I'm being used like Roger's groupies." I walk up to him. "That was never my intentions, Alice. I just didn't know when or how to tell you. I really do care for you Alice." He takes my hands into his. "Brian, you hurt me and now our friendship has a crack in it." I look down at my feet. "Alice, please I can't lose you as a friend." He holds my hands tighter. "You're not but I need a little time to myself and for you to get me to forgive you." I let go of his hands going over to my clothes. "What are you doing?" He asks me. "I'm going to room with Deaky. I know he won't mind if I sleep on his sofa." I throw my bag over my shoulder and leave Brian's room.

"Darling? What's are you doing?" Fred asks me as I stand in the hallway. "I can't room with Brian anymore Freddie." I give him a sad smile. "I'll just get you you're own room. Follow me." He says walking towards the lift. We get to the lobby and they get me my own room and I was happy to finally have my own room for once. "Want to tell me what happened?" Freddie asks as we head to my new room. "Roger told me that Brian and Chrissie are on a break while on tour, but are going to get back together once we get back home. Brian never told me that they were a thing back home." I say as I unlock my door. "Either did I. I'm so sorry darling." He hugs me and I shut my door.

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