Forty Seven

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DAY 12

12:00 AM

❄Baekhyun's POV❄

I jolted out of sleep in the middle of the night because I felt really thirsty. I went to the kitchen and drank a glass of cold water.

I headed back into my room and I felt the cool wind on my skin. Then I saw Ilhoon staring outside the window. His wings are out and it looked more luminous than Cheonsa's. "Hey.." I whispered. "Are you okay?"

Ilhoon slowly turned to look at me. "Can we talk?" I got confused but nodded, nonetheless. "Tell me the truth, are you really just pretending to be Cheonsa's boyfriend?" He asked drastically.

And I felt offended by the way he asked it. "Yeah, of course. I thought you already know about it?"

He smirked then looked at you. "Yes, Baekhyun. I know everything." He answered like he's trying to scare me. But instead of getting scared, I got more and more confused. So I decided to just keep quiet and wait for him to continue. "And I also know...that you're lying."

I got nervous when I heard him say those two last words, but I cannot show him my nervousness especially because I want to prove him wrong. I heaved a deep sigh and looked at him. "Just go straight to the point will you!" I almost shouted.

"You're in love, with Angel Cheonsa." He said firmly.

I snarled. "Wha-what?! Are you crazy?" I asked nervously. This angel definitely knows everything!

He looked to the side, "I'm telepathic, I can read your mind." He said in a very low voice. I got goosebumps all over my body. I cannot believe this! This can't be happening! "You have to believe. Don't worry, I just need to hear it from you. And if your mind says that you're telling the truth I won't see me ever again." I swallowed nervously.

"I know that you love Angel Cheonsa so much, but because you know that it is forbidden you're not telling her the truth. And I totally understand that you're doing it because you care so much about her, but Baekhyun if you're not planning to tell her about your true feelings," He looked down. "can you atleast make her feel it?"

I snarled. "Of course! Of course I can do that." I said proudly. "Do you know why? Huh, Ilhoon do you know why?!" I shouted at him angrily and he looked at me with regretful eyes. "Because I'm not like you!" I continued. "I'm not gonna let her feel what she felt when she fell in love with you! I'm going to love her with all my heart, forbidden or not." I said rigorously.

He forced a smile and said, "Before I leave I just want you to know something.." "It's not true that Angel Luhan and Angel Ren left because Master thought that Angel Cheonsa could already do it all by herself. They left because I had to do my job. It was my turn already and my mission here is to simply challenge her for her other mission." Ilhoon explained.

I felt like my head's going to explode any moment now. "What?! What other mission are you talking about?" I asked irritatedly.

"Angel Cheonsa has two missions. First is to make you smile, second is to not fall in love with you." He looked at me. "And I'm incharge of the latter." He faced the window once again. "Take care of Angel Cheonsa." Then like a bubble, he vanished.

I threw myself on the bed and tried to absorb everything.

❄End of POV❄

Day 12 today!! ^^ 8 more days left... so many things happened yesterday T_T

But it's okay, atleast Baekhyun's not gonna leave anymore~!


Baekhyun opened the door and you immediately closed your notebook and hid it under your pillow. You remained silent while Baekhyun sat on the edge of your bed. "Ilhoon left awhile ago." He began. "And he told me something,"

You looked at him. Before he can continue talking, "What did he tell you?" You asked.

"...He told me it wasn't true that Luhan and Ren left because they thought that you can already do your mission all by yourself. They left because Ilhoon needs to to his mission. And his mission is to challenge you."

You scowled. "What do you mean challenge me?"

He heaved a sigh. "He's here to see if you're gonna fall in love with, with me or not."

You chewed your cheeks and rolled your eyes. "And he left because he succeeded, so nice." You snorted.

"Cheonsa aren't you, aren't you afraid of what's bound to happen to you?" He asked.

You shook your head confidently. "Nope! I trust my Master and I know that he won't let that happen! I just know it." You beamed.

Baekhyun stood up and pulled you up from your bed. He entwined his fingers with yours and said, "Let's start with out adventure, shall we?"

You poked his shoulders. "It already started since day one!" You giggled.

He pulled you out of the room and both of you went downstairs.

"Cheonsa, are you sure you're okay already?" Bo Ah asked as you sat on the couch beside Baekhyun.

"Yes I am." You smiled. "Hm, where's Cheonsa?"

"She's in her room, watching TV."

You stood up from the couch. "Where's her room?"

"That room upstairs with a pink door." You quickly headed upstairs.

Knock. Knock.

Cheonsa slowly opened the door. "Cheonsa eonni~!" She perked up when she saw you.

"Hi!" You smiled. She pulled you inside and you closed the door. Her room was covered with pink. Pink walls, pink carpet, pink bedsheets, pink stuffed toys and some pink angel figurines. "What're you doing?"

"I'm watching Barbie and the Diamond Castle!" She said.

"Barbie?" You asked.

"Yeah~! Barbie, barbie dolls!"

"Oh~ The ones inside that TV?"

Cheonsa nodded confusedly. "How come you don't know about them?"

"Uh..I-I don't know." You said shyly.

She shrugged. "Anyway, I have something to give you!" She dove on her bed and pulled out a pink sketchbook under her pillow. "Here." She ripped a page from it and gave it to you. There was a drawing on the paper, a drawing of an angel and a stickman that has a frown on his face. "This is you, you're the angel." She said as she pointed to the angel. "And this is Baekhyun oppa. He's a stick and he frowns everytime so I drew him like that." She giggled.

"Cheonsa do you have a marker or anything permanent that can be used for drawing?" You asked.

Cheonsa opened the pocket of her small bag and took out a black marker. "Here." She handed it to you.

You gently took it and drew a curved line ontop of Baekhyun's mouth so that it looks as if it were smiling. "There you go~" You showed it to Cheonsa. "Do you want to help me so that Baekhyun's frown will turn into a huge smile?"

Cheonsa gasped. "Of course!!" She grinned. "That would be fun!" Suddenly, she leaned in and whispered to you, "You know eonni, everytime oppa is near you he automatically smiles but you're too preoccupied to notice it." She pouted.

My Mission: 20 days to make Byun Baekhyun smileWhere stories live. Discover now