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golden crew!
[9:16 a.m.]

if i could have everyone's attention

jehyun 💘:
im here n im angry
rlly close to quitting the musical lmao

yeji 💚:
okay mood
i wouldn't blame u!

jinwoo 💜:
im here!!

seokmin 🧡:
also here
hello everyone ily all

suyeon ❤️:
i hate this class
literature SUCKS

okay thank u all for ur opinions ig
have a favor to ask...

yeji 💚:

jehyun 💘:
im all ears

suyeon ❤️:
give me 2 hours to bury a body

jinwoo 💜:
a lil scared but im in

seokmin 🧡:
what's up?

suyeon bls do not murder anyone

suyeon ❤️:

i jus need someone to keep the cafeteria
entertained today
have an... idea

jinwoo 💜:
oh we can!!
boys... how would u feel....
abt karaoke....

jehyun 💘:
misses sunmi i WILL sing gashina
in ur honor

seokmin 🧡:
tell me when n where!!

okay girlies then ig ur w me!

yeji 💚:
o i am SO in

suyeon ❤️:
whatever it is
consider me in!


[12:03 p.m.]

peanut butter fiend:
can someone...
PLS make them stop

twinkle toes:
they're even doing the moves-
these boys are in the drama club
WHY are they singing so horribly-

i miss ro ))^:

it's been... a day

okay but did i stutter

Jeongin, you're smiling a lot.
Are you planning something?

jus wait n see!

lost boy:
who jus slammed the door
that was so noisy

it's... it's...

u can say it [____]
it's daisy ))^:<

Oh, there are the Heathers.

twinkle toes:

what- is happening

lost boy:
did the drama club jus... take over?

peanut butter fiend:
oh this is so fun!!
i LOVE this high school musical-

jus (^: wait (^:


The sound of guitars came over the speakers, plaguing the entire cafeteria with the sound. The three boys who were singing — screeching — lyrics before stopped, smirking lightly. Some of the students knew the song from the popular movie, bobbing their heads to the beat. A girl with a ponytail stood on an empty table, waiting for her cue.

"Insecure in her skin," Yeji began to sing. She had a microphone in her hand, also connected to the speakers around the cafeteria. Her eyes slid to the table where Daisy Kwon and her friends sat. Yeji hid a smirk, "so it looks like the jokes on you. 'Cause the girl that you thought you knew..."

"She's so gone!" A new voice sang. Gasping, he sat up straight. That was the voice — that was who he heard during rehearsals. Eyes slid all around the cafeteria, but whoever was singing was hidden well. "You can look, but you won't see the girl I used to be. 'Cause she- she's so gone."

"Here I am, this is me," Suyeon sang now. She, too, had her hair in a ponytail and a microphone clenched in her hand. Her eyes glazed over the table where seven boys sat with their mouths agape. Suyeon only winked at Jeongin with a small grin. "Are you shocked? Are you mad that you're missing out on who I really am?"

The chorus repeated again, the face behind the voice still being hidden. Jeongin was bouncing in his seat, looking like he was ready to run at whoever was singing. From beside him, someone sighed out. Jeongin grinned — my plan is going to work - uh, I sure hope it does.

"She's so gone away like history," the person continued. Jeongin sat up straighter, readying himself for the big reveal. The three boys from before were sitting at a table with grins. "She's so gone — baby, this is me."

A pause. And, then, someone was standing on that same table with their head down. With a simple flip of her indigo ponytail, Ro sang again. "She's so gone!"

Gasps rang around the room softly. People were looking from the girl singing to the girl sitting at a table. Daisy's hand was clenched around a fork, teeth gritting as she watched the show. Ro met her eyes, "you can look, but you won't see the girl I used to be 'cause she-"

"She's so gone!" All three girls sang in sync now. Jinwoo stood beside Yeji on her table shimmying along with her. Seokmin was with Suyeon, the both of them shaking their heads. Ro was back-to-back with Jehyun, her head laying on his shoulder as she belted out a note. "So long, she's so gone. Gone, gone, gone."

The silence rang around the room, settling in the walls and taking the shock that everyone seemed to showcase. Ro only grinned more — she even winked at her twin sister dramatically. Jehyun stepped off of the table first, taking her hand after and helping her jump down.

The group of six left the cafeteria in a fit of giggles, leaving the confusion and surprise behind them.

song rec:
she's so gone by the lemonade mouth soundtrack

obvs i dont own this song or the lyrics used so bls dont sue me thanks
there she is! there! she! is!!

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