
618 24 14

oh my god, is she [redacted]?
[11:47 a.m.]

baby rosie has changed the chat name to:

cinnamon freckles:

hyunjin the fiend:
ur gone for AGES
n THIS is what u say??

pretty sungie:

angel babie:
okay but mood

baby rosie:
gonna k word chan 😠
n maybe wonwoo but he Frightens me 😳

airbender minho:

Hello, Ro.
I'm glad you and Jeongin have made up.
We were worried.

baby rosie:
only chan n wonwoo call me rosie ))^:

cinnamon freckles:
they'll just have to share ig

lost changbin:
or they shall Perish

angel babie:
why were u screaming abt jinwoo though
don't blame u
but am confused

baby rosie:

im gone for two [2!!] days n THIS happens?? he looks so cute ))^:

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im gone for two [2!!] days n THIS happens??
he looks so cute ))^:

pretty sungie is typing...

hyunjin the fiend is typing...

angel babie:
he rlly does ))^:
tell him i said "ilysssssssm"

baby rosie:
tell him urself

hyunjin the fiend:
oomf r u gonna take that??

airbender minho:
rosie come sit w us ))^:
miss u ))))))^:

baby rosie:
come sit w US!
ill introduce u to the crew

angel babie:
do u know....
how chaotic........

cinnamon freckles:

baby rosie:
yes hello is the the police
this FIEND is going to Suffocate Me

hyunjin the fiend:
uh im not over there
im the ONLY fiend ))^:<

pretty sungie:

airbender minho:
jisung ))^:

baby rosie:
how about i jus bring jehyun w me
so u guys can meet him
n sungie won't be nervous

angel babie:
N NEED TO ᵃᵖᵒˡᵒᵍᶦᶻᵉ

pretty sungie:

lost changbin:
can't hear u when u whisper

I always have more questions when I
speak with you all.

hyunjin the fiend:
n what abt it
Rosie! Come! Here! Right! Now!

baby rosie:
i am on the way goblin boy!!


"I WANT BLOOD, GUTS, AND CHOCOLATE CAKE!" Ro paused before sighing and shaking her head, pulling a less-than-enthused Jehyun behind her. He grimaced at the screeching a blond boy was doing, looking at Ro doubtfully.

"These are your friends?" He asked with a scrunched nose. Ro rolled her eyes, tugging his wrist when he stopped walking.

She glanced at him, "be nice, Jey. Felix! You're being really loud!"

The boy didn't pause the melody as he spoke, "I'M ALWAYS LOUD! WHY ARE YOU SURPRISED?" For reference, he said the sentence to the tune of "and the day has come where I have died." Ro only let out a small laugh before sitting beside a dark haired boy, pulling Jehyun to her left.

"Hey, Bin!" Ro grinned at the boy. He had a scowl on his face that was seemingly always present, but the corners of his mouth turned up slightly at her greeting. She looked at the other boys, "guys, this is Jehyun! Jehyun this is... the ghouls."

Hyunjin's eyes seemed to light up at that, "the ghoul boys!"

Minho continued his thought absentmindedly, "hey there demons. It's me, ya boy."

"I hate all of you," Seungmin mumbled to himself. The others heard him, though they decided to ignore his comment. Jeongin - who was sitting directly across the table from Ro - was bouncing slightly in his seat. Jehyun narrowed his eyes at the boy, scooting a little closer to Ro.

She rolled her eyes at their behavior before turning to look at Jisung - he was sitting on the other side of Changbin with his head down. Under the table, he was twiddling nervously with his hands. Blinking, he realized his chipped nail polish almost matched the color of Ro's hair. Ro tapped Changbin's shoulder and motioned for him to slide over - Jehyun didn't notice because he was talking with Jeongin and Felix.

"Hey," she said quietly. Jisung glanced up before blinking and looking back down at his hands. Ro leaned in closer, her cheek brushing against his shoulder. "You okay?"

Jisung let out a breath, nodding. He glanced at her again before looking away immediately. His voice was soft and breathy, "yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."

Ro smiled at him, "tell me if you aren't, okay?" Jisung nodded again.

"Rosie," a new voice called. The girl looked over the table to see Hyunjin staring at her. He slid his lunch tray over before walking around the table and sliding between her and Changbin. The smaller boy grumbled with a glare before turning to speak with Jehyun. Hyunjin pouted.

"Sorry," Ro spoke before he could. Hyunjin pouted more — she rolled her eyes. "What, Hyunjin? I said sorry for disappearing! What more do you want from me?"

Hyunjin paused, his features softening before he sighed. He twirled the food on his plate slightly, eyes focused there instead on the girl beside him. He looked at her once more, "just don't do it again. We were really worried, you know?"

"Alright," her voice was tender again. With her right hand, Ro reached out to hold Jisung's hand — her left doing the same for Hyunjin's right. "I won't. Promise."

song rec:
black swan by bts

halfway through this i started fighting w myself
abt the love interest can you tell

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