
538 27 12

camping necessities!
[10:34 a.m.]

suyeon ❤️:

lost changbin:
have arrived.

jinwoo 💜:
okay gr8
thanks for informing us

cinnamon freckles:
pspspspsps rosie

baby rosie:
did u jus summon me like im
a kitten—

cinnamon freckles:
im definitely NOT telling u n
ur jey friend n innie to sneak off
w me somewhere
[wink wink]

frying chan: ofc ur not

jehyun 💘:
[we'll b there]

baby rosie:
ew can hear the last car pulling in

seokmin 🧡:
never too late to lock the door

...we're in this chat
we can see these messages

yeji 💚:
✨🧚‍♀️💫 oh good u can read! ✨🧚‍♀️💫

suyeon ❤️:
now rip ur eyeballs out.

jinwoo 💜:
that is NOT how the fairy comments
work suyeon!

baby rosie:
ahem The Only Adult Chan said
we have to put our phones away now

frying chan:

frying chan:


"I've missed this place," Chan spoke with a grin. He began to pile their luggage in the living room, deciding they would assign rooms later. He felt a thump on his shoulder, turning to see Ro laying her head on him sleepily.

"Too early for this," she grumbled. Rubbing her eye gently, Ro yawned loudly. Jehyun slid up to her other side, grinning at the way her lisp grew heavier with her exhaustion. "Wanna sleep."

Jehyun bumped his shoulder against her lightly, jostling her from her position. "You can sleep later, Mary."

"Mary!" A new voice sang. Footsteps were herding to where she was standing, different arms ripping her from Chan's light hold. Yeji and Jinwoo embraced the girl tightly, pretending to fake sob as they held her. As everyone else piled into the room, their voices piled on and on as they spotted Ro and fought to hug her.

"Missed you so, so much!"

"How will ever I survive not seeing you?"

"Never leave me again!"

"You're riding home with me."

"This is like a permanent sleepover with you, the absolute love of my life!"

"My, my," a silky voice called. Daisy trailed in through the doorway, a soft, fake smile on her face. She giggled again, the sound making Ro cringe in Seokmin's arms. "Seems our Rosemary is popular, hm?"

There was a hidden sneer only some could see. The light in Daisy's eyes darkening and dimming as Hyunjin took Felix's place, collapsing into Ro's hold. Daisy cleared her throat before sauntering over to them, batting her eyes up at the inky-haired boy.

"I wanted to be nice, so I bought you coffee. I hope that's okay," Daisy muttered shyly. She turned her gaze to Jisung next — the boy jumped at her attention and began to fiddle with his hands. "One for you, too, Sungie."

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