After what he just said i wanted nothing to do with him. I jumped off of him and off the tree. Looking back to make sure the two men were still sleeping. I made a run for it.
Behind me i heard Christopher yelling my name. I just ran, crying. How could he do that to me. I shouldnt have come to find Alexia. She 's a jerk just like Christopher. I couldnt breath for a while. I looked behind me before i stopped. I lost him. Good. I knew where i was going. Leaving him or not. I stopped and sat on a tree stump. Breathing deeply from all the crying. I sat that for a bit thinking about the kiss, how i SHOULDNT have kissed him. And that i SHOULDNT have looked for Alexia. Suddenly i heard a voice
"There you are." An exhosted voice said behind me. It was Christopher. I ignored him and tried standing up to walk away. He pulled me back down.
"Let go Christopher." I said in an angry voice. He had his hands placed on my shoulders.
"No listen. Im sorry i didnt mean that. I want to work things out with you. I really do." He bent down so we were face to face.
I moved my head. To where his hand got off my face. I was too mad.
"Karla please."
"No. Okay just no!" I stood up. I tried to run off again. But i got about three steps and he yanked my arm back.
"Gosh Christopher that hurt!"
"Im telling you im sorry!" He yelled in my face. What a jerk. I was now seriously balling. He sighed and pulled me close to him. I let him. I was too weak to fight it.
"Karla please. I know i shouldnt have yelled at you." He put his hand on my head and stroked my hair. I felt comfort.
I looked up at him. And pulled away.
"I really gotta go." I said wipping the tears from my eyes. I turned around to walk away. I escaped. I strted fast walking. It was a cold morning. I didnt bring a jacket. And Christopher took his with him. I hugged my self to make me warmer. I walked about ten minutes and pulled out my phone. I got a text from an unknown number.
'Oh sweety, nice too see your playing games. I saw you last night in that tree. But its okay. I spared your life. You dont know me but i know you.
~ yours truly~
~stalker~' i was officially terrified.
I stared at the messege for a good solid two minutes. What did this mean? Who was it? Suddenly my phone was snatched from my hands from behind. I didnt move i knew who it was.
"I told you to leave me alone Christopher." I turned around he was inches from my face. I gasped
" hi." He said smirking
"Bye." I said in a serious tone.
I went to grab for my phone because he was tall, i had to
Jump for it. Only God knows how my helips ended up on his.
"You cant get enough of the Chrisness." He said smiling.
"Shutup. It was an accident." I said he gave me my phone back. I turned around to walk away
" but this isnt." I heard him say. He grabbed my arm and twisted me to where he had full control of my body. He kissed me and i tried my hardest to get away. I couldnt he had control. Why did i even get to be his friend in the first place.
" Chris please." I said breaking the kiss
"There's the Karla i know. You called me Chris and not Christopher." I couldnt help but smile. He still wouldnt let go of me.
"Heres the deal. If we get out of here. You can come to my house for a bit and not have to go to your dads. BUT you cannot keep flirting with me."
He loosened up.
"Okay, after this." He kissed me again. I rolled my eyes and he smiled. Kissing him was a good feeling but. I just couldnt keep doing this. I mean i dont really know him, and after what he said to me in the tree, i am beggining to think he is right. I just stood there and waited till he got done kissing me.
"Karla come on. You can kiss better then that."
"I feel as though this is a challenge." I said.
"Let the challenge begin." He said smiling.
I never back down from a challenge never have but this one i wanted to. But i didnt. I kissed him back, he is still smiling. I smiled to. I kissed him harder. We ended up on the ground. Him on top. He started to mess up my hair, the way he was kissing me. He rolled over so i was on top. I took of his hat and put it too the side that way i could mess with his hair. His hands were on my waist and going down.
Realizing where this was heading i stopped.
I leaned to his neck and kissed it. I whispered in his ear.
"I win."
I got up and started walking away. Smiling.