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Yoongi and Taehyung were in the park walking on the path that go around the whole thing. The walk was peaceful, until Taehyung let go of Yoongi's hand and ran off the other way. "Tae come back here!" Yoongi yelled, but Tae just kept running to wherever he was going.

Yoongi took a deep breath and ran after Taehyung. The running stopped when Taehyung got to a large lake, he squealed seeing the geese in the lake swimming around. "Look Daddy! Look, there's duckies in the lake." He screamed making the geese almost swim away. Yoongi looked at the geese, then at Tae who was showing his boxy smile.

"I see the geese honey, but why did you run all the way here. Yoongi sweetly smiled at the younger. "Can we feed 'em Daddy." Tae asked with huge eyes. Yoongi walked closer to the excited boy and held his hand. "Taetae, you know we didn't bring any food for them. I wish we did though." Yoongi said in a calm voice. Tae put his head down and felt his eyes stinging. "We can come back tomorrow, bring food and stay as long as you want. How does that sound?" Yoongi tried to calm the younger down.

Tae's head snapped up making Yoongi see the tears on the boys cheeks, he didn't know not being able to feed a goose could make someone cry. He wiped the tears pulled the boy closer to him for a hug. Tae immediately hugged back and looked at Yoongi he opened and closed his mouth but nothing came out. "What do you need to say Tae?" He asked in his calmest voice.

"You pwomise we come back here?" He held out his pinky finger and gave his Yoongi his puppy eyes he always used to get something. The older wrapped his finger around it and nodded. "I promise baby. Now lets go get you something to eat, and we can go back home, and do what you like."

The little nodded and put his hand in the olders. They walked to a fast food place to get something while Taehyung talked about all him and his daddy's missions.

Time Skip

They were finally back home after getting something to eat. Once in the house, Taehyung ran all the way up the stairs to his playroom. Yoongi followed him, and stood in the doorframe watching his baby talking to his stuffies about his day. 'How did I get so lucky?' Yoongi thought to himself. He left the room to go make dinner for him Taehyung since he know the younger gets hungry every few minutes.

'Chicken nuggets for him and kimchi for me.' Yoongi thought and started making the food. After a few minutes of making food everything was done, he ate his food and put away his plate after.

He went to the livingroom and sat down on the couch, he cut on the TV and watched the first thing that came on. He layed down and covered himself with the fluffy cover on the other end of the long couch.

A few minutes after he knew the dinner was getting cold, so he got off the couch and went to Tae's playroom, but he didn't see him there. He went to look for Taehyung in their shared room and the diningroom but didn't see him.
Then a thought hit him. 'Ohh, he must've went to his room to sleep.'

He went in the littles room that was a baby blue with toys all over the floor and a bed that looked like a car in the corner of it. There Yoongi saw the most adorable sight. Taehyung laying down laying down on the bed, curled up and had his thumb in his mouth.

Yoongi walked to bed and sat down beside the sleeping younger. He shook the boy saying, "Taetae wake up it's time for dinner." He said in his best baby voice. Tae woke up and looked at the older with his happy eyes. "Dinner time alweady?" "Yes, time for dinner." Yoongi then got up and picked up Taehying bringing him to the kitchen and sat him on a stool. He put the plate in front of the boy and went to go make a bottle for the little. The littles stomach growled and he started eating fastly.

Yoongi eventually came back with a warm bottle and saw how fast the food was gobe in a matter of seconds. "You must've been hungry baby, you ate fast." The younger nodded and made grabby hands at the bottle the older held in his hand. His daddy got the message and gave the bottle to the boy.

Yoongi picked him up and took him to their shared room. Taehyung was still drinking, but he was done after a few seconds. Yoongi took the bottle and put a paci in the youngers mouth. They layed down and cuddled until they fell asleep.

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