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Jungkook woke up at four in the afternoon feeling hot. He felt like he was on fire. He looked beside him and saw Namjoon beside him reading a book with earbuds in.

"Daddy, I hot." He whined but Namjoon didn't hear. He pulled on his Daddy's arm. "Daddy! Kookie hot!" Namjoon's eyes opened after hearing his baby whine loudly. He sat up and looked at the younger, who's face was a deep red.

"What's wrong baby, are you ok?" Namjoon's tone laced with worry and tiredness. "I hot, Daddy." He whined again. Namjoon put the back of his hand on Jungkooks forehead. He felt the younger burning up and took his hand off. "You're burning up Kookie, let's give you a bath and some new clothes."

Namjoon stood up and picked up the little who had his arms up. "Where Dada?" Jungkook looked all over the room and looked back at his Daddy that was carrying him to the bathroom. "Dada's in the downstairs making breakfast."

When Namjoon was in the bathroom, he sat the little down on the closed toilet. He filled the tub with the water, helped undress the younger out his onesie and set him in the tub. As he was washing him, the little sneezed and coughed a few times, then whined about his throat hurting. Namjoon of course helped out with it.

Eventually Namjoon finished bathing the little and wrapped a light pink fluffy towel around him after he got him out. He took his baby back in the room and got underwear and a loose baby blue t-shirt that went to the youngers mid-thigh. He then took him and the sick little to the living room and sat him down on the couch.

He was about to go tell Jin about what happened, but stopped when he heard the little call for him. He turned back around and kissed the boys forehead. "I'll be right back I just need to tell Dada you're not feeling well." Jungkook nodded his head and Namjoon went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen Namjoon saw Jin at the stove still cooking something that smell delicious. Namjoon creeped up behind and wrapped his arms around the older. Jin smiled and started talking, "Hey Joonie, the foods almost done." He turned around and pecked Namjoons lips. "Where's Kookie?" He looked behind the boy with a confused expression.

"He's not feeling too well today. He woke up with a fever." Namjoon sighed, he looked at Jin then went to the cupboard and took out a clear sippy cup, he went to the fridge and put cold water in the cup. "I'll bring him in to eat breakfast." Jin nodded and turned back to the stove while Namjoon went to the living room.

Namjoon got to the living room and saw Jungkook laying still sitting up and staring at the TV that was on.

Namjoon went and took the littles hand and squeezed it a little. The little jumped but calmed down once he saw it was his Daddy. "Come eat breakfast baby, it's time to eat." Jungkook nodded his head. "Otay." He then lifted his arms and was picked up by Namjoon who put him on his hip and walked them both to the kitchen.

He sat the little in his highchair. Jin put a small plastic plate on the tray with food on it. They started to eat, the room was filled with praises from the caregiver as they fed Kookie, and giggles after.

Jin had took the baby back to the living room, he cut on a fan, and told Namjoon to bring cold water and milk so Jungkook didn't feel hot anymore. As Namjoon went to the kitchen, Jin went to sit beside his little prince, and later the boys head in his lap. Jungkook sighed in content as Jin raked his fingers through is hair. It always calmed him down.

Namjoon had came back from the kitchen with two bottles; one filled with milk and the other with water. He also brought medicine for the little.

Namjoon sat on the other side of the little and lied his legs over his own.

Jin had looked at Jungkooks face and saw his face wasn't as red as it was before. He kept raking his fingers through the boys hair and watched the cartoon that was on.

Namjoon had set the bottles and medicine on the coffee table and leaned back in the couch cushions, he ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He looked at his two boyfriend's who were almost asleep. He always thinks to himself. How did he get such two perfect people to love him?

After a few minutes, all three boys were sleep in the same position they were in when they got there.

3 hours later

Jin had woken up before his two lovers and decided to make the sick little some soup. He got a pillow from off the couch and used it as a replacement for his legs for the boy to lay on. He went to the kitchen and took a soup can out of one of the cupboards. He turned on the stove and started cooking.

In the living room

Namjoon soon woke up, and woke up the raven haired. He whined from being awaken but soon stopped. "Feel icky Daddy." Jungkook whined again. "It's okay, Kookie you'll get to take a bath. Do you still feel hot?" He asked as he felt the boys forehead.

"Not hot, Daddy. Jus' feel icky." Namjoon  got up and pulled the boys shirt off, leaving him in his underwear. He took the boys hand and guided him to the nursery they made.

Namjoon went in the closet and took out a pink shirt that said 'Baby' in white on it, underwear, socks, and loose shorts.

Namjoon took the boy in the bathroom, filled the tub, undress the boy with ease, and set him the tub. He washed the boys hair with strawberry shampoo and started scrubbing his whole body.

After the bath, Namjoon dressed the little and took him to the dining room. He then saw Jin come in with a bowl of soup and a spoon. Jin put the bowl on the table in front of Jungkook and went to go get his and Namjoons food.

Jin came back and saw Namjoon feeding the little who rejected to food everytime but ate it during the second try.

Namjoon and Jin fed the younger and ate thier food during that time. After a while they finished eating and Jungkook yawned, and he rubbed his eyes sleepily. "Aww is baby tired?" Jin asked in a soft voice. Jungkook nodded slowly as his head was dropping, about to fall out his chair. But Namjoon caught the boy and picked him up. Jungkook yawned again and wrapped his arms around, Namjoons neck and legs around his waist.

"I'll take him to the room and get him to sleep. You can do what you want." Jin nodded, and Namjoon had started towards the stairs with the sleeping little. He took the baby to their room and lied him down while Namjoon cut the TV on and waited for Jin as he got in his pajamas.

Eventually Jin was in the room, he went to the bed and pecked Namjoons lips. He went to the closet to get on comfortable clothes. They both went to sleep with a sleeping Jungkook in the middle and the only thing you could hear were the soft snores from Jungkook.    

Hope you liked it😊

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