Chapter 3 (continued from Chapter 2)

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Miles was still quite flustered from the whole debacle. As he was getting dressed, he'd shoot slight, awkward glances at his betrothed, always getting a teasing smirk in return when the other has caught the prosecutor staring. The playful glance just made Miles even more embarrassed, causing him to slip into rather carnal thoughts. Shaking his head, the prosecutor slipped into his work clothes and waited for his husband to do the same.

"Hey babe? Would you like to grab some coffee before work?"
Miles cocked an eyebrow, but smiled and nodded. "But of course, my love. I typically prefer tea, but coffee sounds lovely this morning." As Phoenix finished getting dressed, the other male took hold of his hand and began to walk him out the door.

The lovers headed down to the local coffee shop in the chilly winter weather. Phoenix huddled up closely to Miles, who smiled softly in return. As the two entered the coffee shop, they were hit with almost instant relief as a result of the warm air directly hitting them from the heater in the Café.
"It was a bit chilly, wasn't it?" The prosecutor chuckled weakly as he rubbed his hands together quickly to create friction, bringing more warmth to his hands. "You're telling me" the other replied, smiling softly and grabbing his husband's hand, walking up to the counter to order their coffee.

"Hello, I'm Vanessa!" The friendly, blonde woman at the counter greeted the two men. "What can I get for you today?"

The prosecutor smiled and turned his head to nod at his significant other, telling him to order first. Phoenix returned the smile, his cheeks flushing slightly. He then turned his head to look at the lady at the counter. "Um, yes, I'd like a medium Pumpkin Spice Latte, please." The defense attorney mumbled sheepishly, though he wasn't sure why he felt so shy. He often got a bit of social anxiety, which was odd, considering that in his line of work, he had to talk to new people constantly. "And I'd like a Peppermint Mocha Frappe with two shots of espresso, please." The bold, for more confident-sounding prosecutor said, squeezing his husband's hand gently as a form of reassurance. "No problem! That'll be $10.15"

The two men both reached to grab their wallets at the same time, causing them to immediately look at each other and insist that they pay for it. "Please dear, allow me-" began Miles before he was shortly interrupted by Phoenix. "No, no I've got it" "I assure you, I don't mind at all" Miles objected once more, causing the woman at the cash register to giggle and laugh awkwardly at the lover's quarrel occurring in front of her.
The prosecutor sighed and eventually gave in. "Very well, since you insist, you can pay." Phoenix triumphantly smirked and handed the woman $11 dollars. After receiving his change, he walked to a table and sat down with Miles, waiting for their drinks to arrive.

"Here you are!" The lady from the register sat down the frappe and latte on their table, smiling friendly before walking away. Their was a small silence between the two lovers before Phoenix reluctantly tried to make small talk. "Y'know, I just LOVE coffee. It tastes great, there's really nothing bad about it! He laughed nervously as he waited for a response from Miles. The prosecutor sipped his coffee. "Mm. Yes, well, other than the fact that it can stunt your growth, turn your teeth yellow and cause heart problems." Phoenix laughed nervously once more, before deciding to tease his husband. "Yeah, I guess that explains why you're so short." The prosecutor huffed and crossed his arms. "Isn't it a bit hypocritical to call someone that's taller than your short?" He teased back, slightly smirking. "H-Hey! You're only like, two inches taller than me!" There was a pause before the two began laughing. When the laughter subsided, Miles smiled warmly at his husband, reaching for his hand and grasping it from across the table. "You know, it's strange." Phoenix's face lit up as his hand was grabbed. "Wh-What's strange?" "Well," began Edgeworth, "it's just sort of odd how we find it so easy to just chat for hours at home, but when we're at a restaurant together, or anywhere in public really, we can barely start a conversation." Phoenix shuffled his feet nervously. "I'm sorry babe, that's my fault... I just get really anxious and reclusive in public for some reason." Miles frowned softly and gripped his husband's hand a bit tighter. "Oh dear, please don't feel bad. It's only normal to get anxious out in public. Besides, it's not a bad thing. It's actually rather adorable. It's very reminiscent of our first few dates, when we finally confessed our love to each other." Phoenix's face darkened with a warm blush, he gave an endearing smile to Miles. And he returned it.

"Come now." Miles began. "Let's finish our coffee and be on our way." The other nodded softly as he continued to sit with his husband, the two finishing up their last bit of coffee. Before the prosecutor threw their cups away in the trash, he looked on the sides of the cups and noticed how poorly misspelt their names were. He brought Phoenix's attention to this and they both had a good laugh, taking a picture of the cups before throwing them away. Phoenix thanked the lady, retook Miles hand and headed out into the cold winter's morning with his lover.

(A/N: AAAAAA I got #106 for Ace Attorney stories! Thank you all so much! I'll update as soon as I can!)

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