Chapter 13

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Jacks POV 

We are in Venice, Italy and we are on the bridge taking pictures. A couple of roadies asked if we are a couple and we said no even though we are. We don't want the roadies to know yet because of the publicity. I know Italian really well my mom was Italian and she spoke it fluently so I ended up speaking it fluently. Its really funny watching Brook try to speak Italian. 

" ¿Cuál es el mejor restaurante por aquí?" Brook said. The guy gave hime a funny look and I just laughed knowing that he is speaking Spanish. 

"Brook thats Spanish." I said in a laughing tone. He became all embarrassed and his cheeks went to a deep red. 

"Qual è il miglior ristorante?" I said. Brook turned his head and looked at me so confused. 

"Trattoria di Isabella." 

"Grazie signore." 


I  plugged in the location into Google Maps and started heading in the right direction. 

B- How do you know Italian?

J- My mom was Italian and she spoke it fluently so Italian became my first language.

B- Why don't you speak Italian more often?

J- If I do Brook you guys wouldn't be able to understand me. Italian is my first language.

B- Does your sister speak Italian. 

J- No she never learned. 

We arrived at the trattoria and we sat down. 

B- Its so fancy here.

J- Its really not Brook this is like a family resturant. You haven't seen anything yet. 

Brook tried to order a chicken parm but thats not Italian so I ordered for him. Which was spaghetti with tomato sauce and I got a steak with a broccoli rabe risotto. We have paid the waiter and started back to the hotel. 

B- Say something in Italian. 

J- What do you want me to say? 


J- Mi sono innamorato di te negli ultimi mesi. 

B- What does that mean? 

J- Nothing 

B- I'll figure it out. 

J- No you won't. 

We are back at the hotel now and Brook is saying he's hungry.

J- How are you still hungry we ate a full course meal. 

B- Not that kind of hungry. 

J- Oh. 

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