3-. Josh?

100 4 2

I get up. Like all mornings. I went down to have breakfast. I made alsp for Josh.

-Josh! I made you breakfast-



I start walking upstairs again and i check his room. First knocked the door. -Josh? Are you okay?-

-Yes... I am, just let me alone-

-B-But... Sure?-

-Yes i fucking am! Now get out!-

-Okay, you didnt have to talk me like that. And even more when i didnt gave you permission to be here. Stay there or do whatever the fuck you want. I dont care. Im going out of here.-


-Have a nice day!- And i shut his door strongly and angry.

-idiot...- I whisper.

I went out and walked to the parl to relax and think...

Bzz bzz

[You got 1 whatsapp]

>Hey! Its me Kev!! How u doing?

Well, quite good. But i could be better you know...<

>Uhmm... Better you come here and talk a bit while having a tea?

Well... Okay...<


I got to his house and rang the bell.

As he opens the door i see him smiling a bit.

-Hey... Zack hello.-


-Sit here now im bringing the tea and cookies bro.-

I sat and waited. I switched on the TV.

-Here it is... Now... Whats wrong?-

-Not really... Just... Idk-

-I know somethings wrong man. I can see it in your face... Come on...-

-Well... Josh, my best friend. When he knew i met you. He became weird. Didnt talk or get down to eat. I tried to talk but he talked to my like thrash and i talked him back and salmed the door. But i feel bad for him also...- As i say that i try to force myself but a tear drops on my cheek.-

Then i feel his soft and warm paws clening my face and he smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

-Bro, relax. I can explain that. But just dont cry... Its all okay.- He looks into my eyes, making me blush.


-Good... Now. Maybe he is jealous you know?-


-maybe because... He likes you, like i do...- He quickly stops talking and blushes, then nervously talk again. -i meant... He is your friend and he doesnt want to lose you...-

-Oh... Maybe... But im not gonna leave him...-

-And... Since we are here... Zack?-

-Uhmm yes?- -I have the presence he is going to ask something not really good-

I know its actually really short. But i had to do it because of the chapter main purpose and scene. The next one will be longer and better ;3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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