Chapter 14

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Logan and I step out of the room, as the guards go into the interrogation room to see how bad the old man is. He has a mouth with less teeth, and a slightly bloody nose, but that's it. Nothing compared to Logan, if he was left alone with him.

Cradling Logan hand in mine, I look the bloody knuckle over. "Come on, we need to get this cleaned up." I tell him, before pulling trying to pull him with me, to where the guys are at.

Logan puts his other hand on my waist, pulling me in close to his body. "I'm fine," he then puts his forehead against mine. "You need to go home, the stress that just happened in there, isn't good for you or the babies."

Pulling away from him slightly, I look him straight in the eyes. "When did you find out for sure there twins in this oven?" I ask, at a bad tempt of a joke.

He smiles, only to kiss me softly. "Mother knows everything," he whispers, before kissing me again. "Leo will take you home, Xavier going to stay with me."

"Why are you staying behind?" I know why he wants to stay, its to get the old man as bloody as he can, without killing him. Justice at his own hand, in a way.

His lips turn into an evil smirk, that makes my toes curl in a way, that reminds me of how he gets when he is about to get his hands bloody. "I haven't had any violent fun lately," he then pulls his hand that I've been holding done to rest on my stomach. "Now please go home, run a bath for yourself and rest. I'll be home soon."

Leo comes out of the other room then. "Okay, you two love is making me sick. Come on mama to be."

Kissing Logan on the lips right quick, I pull away from him. "Don't be go to long," I tell him, then go to Leo side as he waits for me. "Can we stop and get some chicken? I'm really hungry."

Leo rolls his eyes. "If we do, you can't eat in the truck, I just got the thing cleaned."

"I make no promises."

Pov: Logan

Watching Leo and Ally walk away, I wait till the turn the corner and go back into the room Xavier is in. Xavier already has the first aid kit out on the table, opened and set up for me. "Sit and I'll take care of your hand." He instructs.

I do as he says and he gets to work on my hand. "I want ten minutes with him, then the police can have him back."

"Are you going to ask him questions, or are you just going to bloody him up?"

Looking threw the glass, the cops have left, so Ally dad sits in the room by himself. He glares at the glass, like he knows I'm in here and he's trying to kill me with the look on his face. "I was thinking about a little bit of both."

Xavier finishes mending my hand. "Logan, I got to know something."

"What?" looking up at him, his eyes are trained on the medical box like it has something he needs to know.

After a handful long seconds, he finally looks up at me. "When this is over, what will happen?"

His question comes way from left field that it actually makes me pause and think of what I'll say back to him. "Truthfully, I always thought we would have a big family and take over for mom and dad, after they retire from running the city."

Xavier hands me pliers I can use to rip out his nails or whatever else I want to use on Ally dad. "Can't believe you guys haven't talked about this yet. I mean really, what do you guys talk about dinner? What you did that day? Or if you bought something fancy?"

Glaring at him, I snap the pliers at him. "For your information, we've been talking about what to paint the baby room and about the party we are going to hold for the babies and to announce what we are having."

Xavier raises his eyebrow at me. "Yeah, I'm really sure there more in there, then you are saying. But I'll be nice for now and drop it, because we have stuff to do after this or do you want to explain to your mom why we were late on bringing the cake fixings for the twins birthday party this weekend?"

Putting on some gloves over my hands, I grab my selected "toys" and leave the room and go back into the room Ally dad in. He glares at me, as I put my "toys" down and line them up a cross from him. "So this is how this is going to go, I'm going to ask you a question and if you tell me something I don't like or if you lie, I will make you bleed and enjoy it." Picking up the pliers, I turn it around in my hands, never taking my eyes from him. "And I don't recommend you lying to me, because I can tell."

Ally dad glares at me. "Bring it on, boy."

"What's the real reason, you hate Ally? What purpose killing Davis do for you?"

He balls up his fist and jaw clenches. "Because she didn't do as I told her, when I told her to kill you and as for Davis, he ran out of his use. It was just pure stupid luck I killed him first, instead of Ally. But it doesn't matter, I already have a plan to deal with her, you, and your family."

Putting the pliers back down, I grab a taser to make sure his skin burns when it touches him and the burns won't heal to quickly. Give him a reminder if you will. "Well trust me, I got plans for you and there no chance, that you will be getting out of here."

Ally dad smiles wickedly at me. "Don't count your chickens yet, boy."

Glaring at him, I take the taser and turn it on high and hit him in the neck with it.

Pov: Ally

Walking into the house, with my food Leo closes the door behind us. "You pregnant women and your food!" He complains.

"Oh shut up, your just complaining because I made you stop at two other burger places, till I found the right burger I wanted." He gives me a pointed look. "Hey, blame the babies, they are picky."

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, that excuse only going to last so long, just you remember that."

Tires screech in the driveway, followed by slamming doors and heavy boots hitting the concrete outside. The doors open and there stands Logan and Xavier, and what I see makes my eyes go the size of baseballs. "What happened to your face?!" I yell out at Logan and then turn my sights on Xavier. "And what happened to your shirt?!"

Mrs. Phantom then all the sudden walks out of the kitchen, stands before all of us with her hands on her hips. "You two, get your asses cleaned and then into the kitchen. I won't have you be bloody all over the house and then your going to explain to me, why you fought a handful of guards and sent three of them to the hospital!"

"You did what?!" Leo and I yell out at the same time, at the two morons standing before us.

"Go!" Mrs. Phantom orders out.

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