Chapter 9

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Pov: Ally

We were laying naked under a sheet, the sun was rising over the ocean. I was laying on my stomach, as Logan slowly drew random patterns on my back. "Your going to put me back to sleep," I say against the pillow.

He smiles lazly at me. "Your skin so smooth, its hard not to admire or touch it." He tells me.

Looking outside, its hard to believe this is all real. "Logan, how did we get here? What happened with my dad?"

"We've been here all the time Ally,"

Sitting up, the sheet falls from my chest and down on to my lap. But my stomach is flat, there no small baby bump. Touching it, it's like it's never had something in it. "What in the world?"

Logan all of the sudden grabs my shoulders, a panicked look on his face. "Ally, you need to wake up!"

"Logan, I am awake." I tell him confused.

"Her heart going flat lined!" a distance voice says.

"Who's that?" I ask looking around.

Logan takes my face, a pained look on his face. "Ally, please Little Mouse don't give up. Come back to me, please." He places his face in my shoulder and I can feel the tears rush down from his eyes. His body starts to shake and his grip on my shoulders is starting to hurt. "Please Little Mouse, come back to me. The baby room can't be started to be made until we both go home and we still need to talk about getting married. Please Ally, your the only woman ever made for me, you know that. So, please come back to me."

I reach my hand out to him, and brush my fingers against his strong jaw that I've slapped a time or two. "Logan, I love you." I whispers.

Pov: Logan

Ally reaches her hand out to me, her eyes still closed and cups my jaw softly. "Logan, I love you." she whispers and then slips back into sleep. But this one, she won't be at the risk of losing her life.

"Is she good?" Davis asks, looking over at us from the door.

Kissing her forehead, I shake my head. "Yeah, she should be good now. How far out is our help?"

Just then we hear a helicopter whooping outside some where. "That would be them, they make really good timing."

Slipping my arms under Ally body, I lift her easily. "Let's get the hell out of here."


We get to one of the family special hospitals. The Doctors and nurses come in and out of Ally room checking on her, like she been instructed to do. They also check on me and Davis of course and besides a couple patch up jobs, we are fine.

Mom walks into the room, with a tray of food. "Eat," she instructs.

I ignore the tray of food, she put next to me. She goes to sit in the other chair a cross from me. "I almost lost her mom," I whisper, still shaking slightly. "I've never been so scared before, not even when my own life is on the line."

Mom looks sad at me. "Logan, you don't know this. But before you were even born, I was worried out of my mind that something would happen to your father. He's had more close calls you will ever know about and I even told him, we should just pull back and pull strings from the shadows. But he wouldn't hear it, I still remember what he said 'I can't do that, I want to make a place for us and the family to be safe. If we pulled the strings from the shadow, who's not to say that we would get attacked from our own living room?' You get your stubbornness from him." she tells me.

Ally groans. "I thought we got his stubbornness, from both of you?"

Mom smiles at Ally. "Hey hun, how are you feeling?"  

"Like I got hit by a truck," she groans out, trying to sit up, but winces in pain. "Everything hurts."

Fluffing her pillows, I ease her back against them. "Yeah that's expected, you've been threw a lot."

She takes my hand, lacing our fingers together. "How are you holding up?"

Smiling at her, I scoot into bed with her. She sits up and once I'm in the spot I want, she leans back against my shoulder, with my arm wrapped around her waist. "Better now."

"So what happened to my dad?" she asks.

"He's still out on the loose," mom tells her.

"So what's the plan of attack?" she asks.

Mom frowns at her. "You recover, you can't be going out there in your currant condition."

"I'm fine,"

"You can't even move without hurting. So your on recovery." I tell her, with mom shaking her head in agreement.

She frowns at us. "I don't care if you two double team me. I'm still going to do, what I want to do."

Mom stands up, her authority making me feel like a little kid again, that just got in trouble. "Then think about this Ally," she straightens out her dress. "you are still very early pregnant and to much stress to your unborn child very well could kill it. So stop being selfish on what your life costs, because if you die,  you won't be only get yourself killed, you'll also kill your child. You are not to leave this hospital until I say other wise." She then leaves the room, closing the door softly and you know she in a really bad mood when she closes a door like that.

Leaning back relaxed, I place my other arm over my eyes. "You just got grounded Little Mouse."

She makes a frustrated sound and then elbows me painfully in the gut. "If you know what's good for you, you'll get me out of this hospital and we go on the hunt."

Groaning, I get out of bed and dig around in my bag. "Ah here it is."

Standing up, she sees what in my hands. "And what are you going to do with those?" She asks, with a confused look on her face.

Going to her bed, I cuff one rail and before she can get away, I cuff the other one. "Making sure you don't do something stupid."

She pulls on the cuffs. "I can get out of these, you know I can!"

Raising an eyebrow at her, i hold out my arms to the room. "Little Mouse, there nothing for you to pick the locks with. Your on hospital arrested as of now."

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