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I hopped off the bleached out golden school bus that read, " Voltron 551" My new schools name and number. 

I had a plan. It had two parts.

1. Don't, or at least pretend to not care.

2. Don't make any friends. You could hurt them and you hate hurting people.

As soon as I glanced around I knew I was going to hate it. There were people smiling and laughing. In large groups. It made my stomach twist into knots my head dizzy, my anxiety was kicking in.

"Hello! I am Mary, the official welcomer of newcomers to Voltron  High!" She said with genuine enthusiasm and a bright smile. She seemed nice but nice people made me uncomfortable. Especially enthusiastic nice people. 

"Thanks," I said, shifting my head down and giving a sharp nod. Her enthusiasm seemed dulled, but not banished and I felt a prick at my heart as I noticed it. I hated hurting people. I knew how it felt to be hurt. I cringed at the reminder of the... Other times.

I stepped over a piece of loose-leaf binder paper and popped my somber-smokey toned ear-buds in and scrolled to Drama Club by Melanie Martinez and turned it all the way up. 

Music numbed my feelings and that was something I needed as often as always. 

They try to feed you lines that you have to memorize
You always hide behind your Wizard of Oz disguise
Do you even have a brain? You're sticking to a page
You're faking all your pain, yeah, you're bleeding on a stage

I bobbed mildly until I became conscious of it and abruptly stopped glancing around, glaring at my surrounding humans. I rolled my eyes and shrugged deeper into my black and red hoodie. The next verse began:

I don't wanna be an actress, living by a script
Who cares about practicing? I don't give a shit
You're over-analyzing every word I say
There's a whole world out there, you're living a play
Fuck your auditorium, I think it's pretty boring and

I checked the time. 20 minutes until the door opened and the 15 minutes until the official bell. I silently groaned. I drooped my head.

The song ended and the next song on shuffle began:

You said, "Hey, girl, will you sit with me?
Table in the back of Cafeteria C?
We can be friends if you want to be
But only 'til the clock hits three
After lunch, we can walk to class
Talk about the boys that we want to smash
Talk about ways to get a little more cash
After that, I'll ignore your ass", oh

I got pretty into the groove, internally, naturally. My body stood still and stiff. Well until I heard a harsh tapping on my shoulder. I swerved around quickly to tell the person to screw off until I noticed who it was. 

It was a tan guy with a disheveled expression on his face and a cocky grin plastered on his complexion.

In other words: My dream dude

I felt my creamy skin town burn into a glazed crimson and waved a short wave nervously at him and felt my face go a deeper maroon. He was blushing also, for some reason I couldn't identify. I ripped my earbuds out and let the music continue to play from the pod.

"What," I said in a high pitched voice that made my face ignite into a blazing fire. (I know cringe alert) He snorted apparently noticing my voice abnormality. 

If I was dead already, I know now I was alive. Because, you know, it cancels each other out. 

"Watchya listening to?", he said winking I flinched, honestly mildly disturbed. 

"Uh, Melanie Martinez," I said awkwardly shrugging and giving a crooked smile almost tripping over my feet he gave me finger guns, "Cool! I love her!"

"Ha," I mumbled timidly. His energy seemed loud and happy, so, basically, the opposite of me.

"Can I listen?" He asked and before I could even speak he grabbed aside and plugged it in his ear,

Show and tell
I'm on display for all you fuckers to see
Show you tell
Harsh words if you don't get a pic with me
Buy and sell (Buy and sell me, baby)
Like I'm a product to society
Art don't sell

He bobbed his head and I stifled a giggle.  A goggle of girls shuffled past the dancing guy. They pointed and laughed, but not in the way that was rude but in the way that showed they all were crushing. 

The lady's man.

Not my man. Hell, I didn't even know his name. 

The song ended. The shuffle ended.

"So," I said trying to not be as socially awkward as usual, "What is your name? I-"

I was cut off, "Oh!" He said blushing tremendously, "I- Uh Lance. I feel so-so rude?"

Did he just, stutter? Even though its the slightest, he seemed so chill. To stutter. I-I can't even.

The bell rung. I had been 20 minutes already? 

He patted my back and skipped off to a group of people and laughed looking happy. That happy group of friends. 

A happy group of friends. 

Something I never had and most likely never will have.


We obtained our schedules and everyone shuffled off to their first period classes.

My first class was in science. Great. I knew from experience that Science was a stick-up everyone's ass. 

The teacher had projected the messy, hand-scrawled seating arrangement. I was at table 4. I slumped over to my seat and yanked my hood over and slopped down. I didn't care.

Well, until Lance entered. 

He sat down and began chatting with some guy in a yellow tee and jean flannel. 

He laughed and it made my stomach knot up and butterflies speed through my belly. 

I slumped down more. Fucking crushes. 

I should be used to the feeling. I fell for guys like children were generated, like one every 15 seconds. Cute guy? Fallen. Made joke in Safeway? Fallen.

It made me happy and made me feel cursed as well. It made me feel-

"Hey!" I felt a tapping at my shoulder and was snapped back to reality, to face the quirky, bright classroom that was covered in positivity posters that read assorted things, such as, You can do this! And Knowledge is power! , You know, everyone's least favorite classroom attire.

Bullshit posters.

"Hey," I said swiveling my head, my mullet swishing slightly. The voice belonged to Lance.

Lance of the happy aura. 

The Lance I was crushing on. Unbelievably hard.

A/N- Hey yall! It's me! I tried hard enough and yeah. If you found an issue with my lack of *insert problem here* please tell me so I can learn and fix my mistakes. Also, I swear this is going to sound awful but if you read this could you vote? Just so I know that someones reading it. I want some encouragement. :) Also I will probably post every Sunday so, Just a heads up. Sincerely, me :) 

Word Count: 1145

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