Chapter 11- For Britannia

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The Sins all fought against the Holy Knight Master known as Hendrickson. Howzer, Gilthunder, and the other holy knights watched. "Counter Blast!", Hendrickson laughed as Armella dodged attacks and sent attacks back, keeping the citizens safe from harm, "You're still a little girl obsessed with saving everyone.", she glared as the Sins watched her, "You are unaware of my true nature, I shall inform you.", she was surrounded by a white glow and when it faded all the knights gasped. Her hair was held back in elegant braids, she was wearing a white armor set with a crown, she had a white silver large sword and a shield. "My name, my given name, is Taêriël Elessar, loosely translated I am a warrior of light and hope. The Princess of the High Elves, Warriors of the first Holy War and slain by the Demons many ages ago. I was spared and swore to wander Brittania and protect those who could not protect themselves. I have been living in secret for fear of persecution. I fear no more. For I do not fear death. Hendrickson, you have failed to uphold your oath has a Holy Knight, therefore, you must be punished. As the last High Elf living, it is my duty to dish out said punishment.", she tightened her grip and her face went stone, "By my blade, you shall fall. This I promise you.", she clenched her jaw and her eyes met Meliodas and Howzer, "Na maeth! Gurth, mín nifred ú-!", and she jumped right back into battle, she didn't use her powers and Ban frowned, "What is she doing?", Meliodas looked at him, "She's taking the hits to charge Duel Strike.", Diane frowned, "That much power could kill her.", King farrowed his eyebrows, "She doesn't care.", and Ban clenched his jaw, "I do.", and he jumped into battle. Followed shortly by Meliodas, Diane, and King.

The Sins were running out of steam and they stood panting with clenched jaws as Hendrickson laughed, "You all were our best defenses a decade ago-", and then words flew through the air, "Pant rod plural rodyn dramm-!", and he was thrown back. Howzier ran and caught Armella as she fell from the sky, "Lady Armella!", and Elizabeth stood by Howzer as Armella laid, passed out. "Mella!", Meliodas frowned as he looked at his sister and he sighed, "Rest now, you've earned it.", he sighed and Hendrickson sputtered out in pain but the demon blood in his veins healed him, making him laugh. The Sins all shared a look and Meliodas nodded. He knew what he had to do. The demon blood didn't actually heal the wounds. They needed to finish the job, without Armella.

Armella woke as a shine of green filled the field and she watched as she healed and felt a full strength. She stood up and Howzer looked at her, "Mel.", he hugged her and she sighed, "Hey.", he kissed the top of her head and she rested her forehead on his shoulder, "What happened?", he sighed, "Elizabeth did something.", she softly smiled, "She's a descendant of the goddess race. Where is Hendrickson?", she frowned as she glanced up, and Elizabeth was crying over a black spot in the ground and she frowned, "Hawk got hit by a blast from Hendrickson.", she swallowed and her armor changed to dark armor and her hair was down, she had a black sword and Hendrickson let his dark spell go again, she jumped over Meliodas and pulled her black sword, "Counter Blast!", and the black spell hit Hendrickson and he disappeared. She sighed as she landed and she looked at Meliodas and he smiled, "Sleeping on the job.", she laughed and rolled her eyes before she pulled him into a hug. Diane and King hugged her as well and she smiled at them as she walked over toward Elizabeth and Ban, "At you crying over a pig?", Ban and Elizabeth looked up and smiled, "You're okay.", she snorted, "Of course I'm okay.", she knelt down and softly smiled, "Hawk is okay.", she tapped the black mass and it disappeared and Hawk, a very small Hawk, started talking. Ban smiled and threw him into the air and she rolled her eyes, "You're not just a pretty princess after all, Elizabeth.", she laughed and Elizabeth smiled. Armella changed into a white dress and her hair was back into elegant braids and she had a small dagger strapped to her thigh. She spun on her heel and walked over to Howzer and softly smiled, "I'd like to formally introduce myself.", he smiled and she blushed, "My name is Taêriël Elessar, I'm the daughter of the Elven King Elessar and his wife Caladriel. I'm the last living Elf and the Princess of the lost race.", her eyes looked at him with a shine, and Meliodas softly smiled, that shine had been missing for far too long. Ban watched the girl and he frowned. He had taken a light from her and now someone else was giving it back. He was willing to kill her and Meliodas for something he knew wasn't possible. He had a lot of making up to do, but he had business to settle first. "I shouldn't have hidden my true heritage but-", and she was silenced with a kiss. Her arms wrapped around his waist and his went around her shoulders. She smiled as he pulled away and her eyes opened as she looked up to him, "I don't care about your past or things you've done that made people place you with the Sins, I just care that you're mine to have and hold and love.", she smiled and nodded, "Always, as you are mine.", and Diane smiled at her friend, "The King.", the Sins, Gilthunder, Arthur, Howzer, and the three princesses went to the castle and Merlin sighed. She got rid of the block and Viviana cried about it not being fair, Howzer was holding Armella as she sighed, "She is so annoying.", the group chuckled at the girl and the king smiled at them, "Armella Belmont is a High Elf Princess? How interesting.", she frowned, "You are one of our heroes. No one will hunt you.", she sighed and nodded as she bowed, "Thank you, my king. Merlin.", the sin nodded and approached the king to help heal him. Armella softly smiled as she watched the interaction but her mind was elsewhere.

Armella laughed as she and Howzer were dancing in a field, she was wearing a white dress and he was in a tux. "I told you we didn't have to be formal.", he looked at her with love and care in his eyes, "I know, but this is your perfect wedding and I would never have taken it from you. I love you, Mel, more so than I did when we first met. You're my best friend, my favorite person, my soulmate. You are my world. And Merlin helped us a lot, binding our lives together. Well, my life to yours. I'm a honorary elf now, which means I won't ever have to leave you until we are both on our deathbeds. And I know that day is far off.", she smiled and the two shared a kiss. Meliodas cleared his throat, "Might I steal my sister for a dance?", Howzer nodded, "Of course.", and Meliodas smiled at Armella, "You're literally glowing. You're so happy and filled with life and I've not seen it in years.", she glanced at her brother and softly smiled, "Well, I am in love and happy, but one tends to glow when with a child.", and Meliodas gasped, "Seriously?!", she nodded, "Yes. I found out this morning, Merlin confirmed it. I mean to tell Howzer tonight. I didn't want him to worry.", Meliodas laughed, "He is always worried about you, Mel.", she chuckled, "He isn't the only one. Thank you, for being my family.", he nodded, "Thank you for accepting me.", they hugged and then a scream was heard, they spun as a mass of darkness spread over the wedding, Armella changed into her Elven armor with her sword, "Citizens and unarmed person, leave now! Sins! Knights! Take arms!", she glared and she glanced at Howzer and gave him a kiss before she turned back toward the mass and she glared, "For Britannia!", and she jumped with a scream, the Sins and Knights following after her.

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