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Alexis lightly smiles as she sees the inside of the Toretto home, because she never thought she would have the chance to see inside.

"Dad!" Jakob calls as he rushes towards the stairs while Letty wraps an arm around Alexis to keep her stable since she was beginning to feel the affects of blood loss.

"Sssshhh," Jack Toretto says as he rushes down the stairs to keep Jakob from getting louder with a slight glare at his son. "Mia is asleep."

"Sorry," Jakob says quickly in a whisper. "Dad, we need help." Jack looks at his son confused before he notices Letty and Alexis in the doorway.

"What in the hell happened?" Jack asks as he ushers them into the kitchen, where Letty sits Alexis in one of the kitchen chairs.

"I got her," Letty says as she turns to Jakob. "Go get Dom."

"Wait, where's Dominic?" Jack asks as he looks up at Letty and Jakob.

"We were at a street race," Jakob answers honestly with fear evident in his eyes while rubbing the back of his head nervously, causing his father to let out a sigh while shaking his head.

"We'll talk about this later," Jack says as he narrows his eyes at his son. "Go get your brother." Jakob nods as he rushes out the door while Jack turns to Letty, telling her where to find the first aid supplies before he kneels down in front of Alexis. "What's your name?"

"Alexis," Alexis answers him as she looks over his face, seeing the similarities that his sons share with him. "Alexis Ortiz."

Alexis notes that Dom shares more features with Jack than Jakob does. Letty comes back over with the first aid supplies as they hear footsteps on stairs.

"Dad, what's going on?" Mia Toretto asks as she walks into the kitchen while rubbing her eyes.

"One of your brother's friends got hurt," Jack answers her with a small smile as she walks over to get a closer look.

"Definitely going to need stitches," Mia says as she looks at the wound with a scrunched nose, causing Jack to smile proudly at his daughter and her interest in all things medical related.

"Great," Alexis says sarcastically before letting out a hiss of pain as Jack pours alcohol over the wound. "Son of bi...." Alexis hits her other hand against the table as she keeps herself from fully cursing in front of Mia, not knowing that Mia is only two years younger than her.

Mia lets out a giggle as the front door opens to reveal Jakob and Dom, causing Mia to run over to give them each a hug. Alexis smiles as she sees the sibling bond, knowing it must be as strong as hers and Letty's.

"So, who was racing?" Jack asks as he dries the wound before applying some medicine to help numb the area. The Toretto household was full of medical supplies, especially with two teenage boys living there.

"I was," Dom says as he looks down, knowing he would probably be in big trouble. Alexis looks over at Jack, who sends her a wink.

"Did you win?" Jack asks with a small smile on his face which causes Alexis to smile.

"No," Jakob says with a snort, causing Dom to glare at him. "He was trying to show off."

"I thought I taught you better than that?" Jack says as he looks over at his oldest son, who lets out a sigh as he glances at Alexis worriedly. Jack smirks as he realizes why his son had been trying to show off. "Best not do it again because someone might lose their arm next time."

Dom frowns as he looks over at Alexis while Letty moves to stand beside Jakob.

"You ready?" Jack asks as he looks up at Alexis, who shakes her head no. Truthfully, she was scared out of her mind of needles.

Mia notices how Dom is watching Alexis worriedly before getting an idea. Mia grabs Dom's arm before pulling him to the chair on the other side of Alexis, making him sit.

"You got this," Dom attempts to reassure Alexis as he realizes what Mia was trying to do. Dom slides Alexis' hand, on the unhurt arm, into his before giving it a squeeze.

Alexis lightly smiles at Dom before turning to Jack with a nod as she lets out a deep breath. Jack begins stitching her arm up while Mia stands close by, watching intently.

Alexis could honestly say that she felt at home in the Toretto household, even though it was her first time being there and she could only hope that it wouldn't be her last time there.

Alexis lets out a sigh of relief once Jack cuts the stitch.

"All better," Mia says with a smile as she places a bandage over the stitches.

"Thank you," Alexis says with a small smile as she looks from Mia to Jack.

"All right, you need to get to bed little Missy," Jack says as he tickles Mia, who laughs before running upstairs. "Boys, get these beautiful ladies home safely then straight back here." Dom and Jakob nod in understanding before leading Alexis and Letty outside.

Jakob suggests that they walk so that he could have a little more time with Letty. Dom doesn't object because he wanted the chance to talk to Alexis.

"So, you like cars?" Dom asks nervously since he is unsure how to actually have a conversation with a girl because he normally just hooks up with them which requires little talking. But he doesn't want to just hook up with Alexis. He actually wants to get to know her.

"Yeah," Alexis answers with a nod of her head. "My favorite car would have to be a Shelby mustang."

"Oh, come on. Mustang, really? Dodge chargers are like 10 times better," Dom argues with a shake of his head.

"Maybe you can change my mind someday," Alexis boldly responds with a smile. Dom smiles as he catches the someday part, realizing that she wants to see him again. They finish the walk in a comfortable silence. "Thank you for walking me home."

"Would you want to go out sometime?" Dom quickly asks before he loses his nerve.

"I'd like that," Alexis answers as she stands on her top toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. Dom smiles as he watches Alexis enter her house.

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