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Alexis lets out a sigh as she looks through her closet while trying to pick out something for her date with Dom, knowing that he would be there any minute.

"Why can't I ever find something to wear when I need to," Alexis huffs as Letty walks into her room, having heard Alexis rummaging around in her closet through the wall.

"Because you're indecisive as hell," Letty teases as she walks over to her sister before dragging her away from the closet. "Sit." Alexis sits on her bed as told before Letty disappears into her closet. "Perfect."

Letty pulls out a short, maroon a-line dress with crisscross straps. Alexis slightly frowns as she looks at the dress that still has the tag on it since she had never been one to wear dresses.

"I don't think so," Alexis says as she shakes her before the girls hear a knock on the front door.

"Looks like you don't have much of a choice," Letty retorts as she throws the dress at Alexis, who huffs before shooing Letty out of the room so she can change.

Alexis sighs before walking downstairs to find her mother and Dom sitting in the living room.

"You kids have fun," Adrianne says as she smiles at her daughter before getting up to give her a hug. "You look beautiful." Adrianne turns to Dom with a stern look. "Just make it back to one of the houses in one piece."

"Bye, mama," Alexis says as she gives her mother another hug before she and Dom walk out to Dom's car which had been fixed. "So, what did you plan for us?"

"It's a surprise," Dom answers her with a smirk, causing Alexis to playfully roll her eyes.

About 30 minutes later, Dom is pulling up to a nice looking restaurant. Alexis looks around in shock as they are escorted to their table.

"I know this is probably neither of our styles, but my dad wanted me to do something nice since you got hurt because of me," Dom explains as he pulls Alexis' chair out for her before she sits down.

"Dominic?" An older woman asks as she walks up to the table in shock, causing Alexis to look at her confused. "What are you doing here, nieto?"

"Abuelita," Dom says in shock as he stands up in shock before giving the woman, who would appear to be his grandmother a hug.

"¿Y quién es la hermosa jovencita?" Abuelita asks as she smiles over at Alexis.

"I'm Alexis," Alexis introduces herself since she could tell that she was being tested.

"You got you a good one, Dominic," Abuelita says as she pats Dom's shoulder. "I'll leave you two. Anything you want, you can have it. It's on me."

"Abuelita, no," Dom attempts to argue but she simply raises her hand to stop him.

"It's my place. What I say goes," Abuelita says with a shrug before sending Alexis a wink as she walks away.

"Sorry about her," Dom apologizes as he sits back down.

"Don't be," Alexis tells him with a smile.

They eat and talk with out a single care as to what time it was. That is until Abuelita tells them it's closing time. It's late when Dom pulls back in front of the Ortiz household.

"I had a lot fun," Alexis says as they walk up to the house before she looks over at Dom, not ready for the night to be over.

"I hope that we can do it again," Dom says in agreement as he slightly leans towards her.

"It all depends on what your next move is," Alexis tells him with a smirk as she slightly leans towards him.

Dom smiles as he rests an arm above her head before he rests his other hand on her cheek, slowly guiding her into a kiss. As they kiss, Alexis knew that she was hooked for life. There would be no other boy or man that would ever mean as much to her the way that Dominic Toretto does.


The number 17 car pulls into the pit road before coming to a stop at its pit stop.

"Jack, you realize you got this in the bag, right?" Buddy Hubbard asks Jack as he unclips the net on Jack's window. Jack takes the water that Alexis offers him. "Season's wrapped up. Doesn't matter where you place."

"I'm telling you, I got intermittent miss," Jack says as he hands the water back to Alexis while looking at Buddy, who is his pit crew chief. "For the last two laps."

"On it!" Buddy says with a nod before turning to one of the pit crew members. "Get those plug wires!"

"Jakob! Now," Jack yells at his youngest son, who happens to be the crew member that Buddy was yelling at.

Jakob nods in understanding before raising the hood of the car as Dom rushes over. Dom kisses the side of Alexis' head, causing her to smile as she goes to set the water down.

"Hey, Pop," Dom says as he leans against the window.

"Tell me what you see Dom," Jack orders as he looks at his son proudly.

"Got an oil spill going into turn two," Dom explains as he begins to list everything that he has seen. "Bell's driving safe. Corbin's got a sponsor in the stands, so he's pushing it. You got a real problem with car 23."

"Linder," Jack says with a nod as he has seen it too. Dom begins to argue with Linder's crew, who are two spaces back while Alexis flips them off, causing Buddy to laugh at her fiery spirit. "Hey! Leave it. He's just pissed because I got that spot in the Busch Series next season, not him. Life's got no shortage of guys like Kenny Linder."

"You're good!" Jakob tells him as he closes the hood before patting it, causing Alexis to wonder why he was under the hood for so long. Especially, since he was only checking plug wires.

"It's not about being the stronger man, Dom," Jack advises his son, who is clipping the net back. "It's about being the bigger one."

Alexis smiles because in the two years that she has known Jack, he has spoke nothing but wisdom to them. Jack takes off back onto the track, causing Alexis to zone in on his car. Linder follows behind him before bumping into the back of another car.

"I swear to god, this guy," Dom says as he shakes his head while watching the race. "Pop, turn two, turn two!"

"Got it. I'm walking him in," Jack says as he drives high on the track. Jack quickly drops lower on the track as he sees the oil spill that Dom had mentioned, causing Linder to drive into it which causes him to slightly lose control and bump into the wall. Alexis cheers as she and Jakob share a high five. "Tell me what you see, Dom."

Dom quickly moves to where he can see the rest of the track while Alexis watches him with love struck eyes before she focuses back on the race. But not without catching Jakob's slightly worried expression.

"He's gonna come at you for that," Dom says as he keeps looking between his dad's car and Linder's car. "Get ready on your left."

Linder drops to Jack's left while Jack looks down at his dash as it begins to make noise. Linder bumps into Jack, causing his car to turn before connecting with the wall as it catches fire. The car rolls as it is hit by another car while Dom rips his headset off before running towards the track with Buddy right behind him.

"Dom!" Alexis yells as she runs after him. Buddy grabs Dom, holding him back from being ran over as he cries and yells for his dad.

"That's my dad! That's my dad!" Dom yells as Buddy holds him back before Alexis reaches them.

"He's gone! He's gone!" Buddy says as he looks at the burning car in shock.

"We got to get him out of there," Dom says as he fights against Buddy while Jakob stares at the burning car, wondering if it was his fault.
Alexis pulls Dom into a hug the best she can with Buddy still holding him which causes him to stop fighting as he continues to yell. "We got to get him out of there! That's my dad! That's my dad! That's my dad! That's my dad! Get him out of there! That's my dad!"

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