Chapter 4 (continued)

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We pulled up to the school and he put the car in park. I unbuckle my seat belt and open the door as soon as I'm about to close the door....

"Hey.." Woah this is the romantic part when the boy asks out the girl on a date.
"Yeah?" I say with a smile.
"You forgot your purse" He says and throws it to me.
"Oh um thanks."

As im walking towards the doors I see Matt walk towards his group of friends and of course they look like jocks. And they just had to be surrounded by a group of ugly blondes. I can't let this boy phase me. Ok Miranda? Ok.

I walk to what I think is the office and I see this old women sitting at a desk with a very grumpy face. I better be nice to her don't really wanna a detention on my first day.

"Hi um I'm Miranda. I need my schedule." I say with a kinda to overjoyed voice. The lady looks at me then down to her papers then she walks to a file cabinet and pulls a packet of papers and hands it to me without saying anything. Ok that was a little rude.

I see this tall skinny girl with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked nice and definitely more attractive then me.

"Hi I'm Kara"
"Hey. Miranda."
"Nice to meet you so um the teacher said there was gonna be a new student so she told me to show you to your first class."
"Oh yeah this place kinda big haha I think I need some help."
"Haha ok follow me."

We walk up a set of stairs to get to the second floor. Then we enter a class room. Kara takes a seat and i decide to take the one next to her.

"Oh um the teacher has assigned seats so I don't think you can sit there. But I promise next period I'll sit with you." She says with a smile.
"Ok" I say and walk to the second to last desk in the back.

"Hello I'm Mr.Davis today blahblahblahblahblah"

I didn't pay much attention to the teacher instead i started doodling and stuff.

"Oh Mr. Espinosa so nice of you to join us 30 minuets into the class. What a nice first day impression."
"I try." He says in a cocky way.

I then realize the seat behind me is empty and he's making his way towards me. As he passes by he gives me a smirk and I roll my eyes. 5 minuets later into the class....

*TAP* Ignore it Miranda.
*TAP* He's just trying to annoy you.
*TAP* Thats it.

"What the hell do you want?!" I whisper yell.
"Gosh. Feisty I see."
"Uggh what ever leave me alone."
"Ooo Watcha got there?" He says and takes the paper I was doodling in away."
"Give it back!" I say trying to pull the paper away and then it rips.

"Mr.Espinosa you and your friend detention today for one hour. I do not tolerate talking during my class."

"Uggh" I groan and roll my eyes for like the millionth time today.
"It's your fault." Matt whispers to me

~~~~~~~~~~Skip To Lunch~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walk into the cafeteria and of course you see the social groups. The jock and cheerleaders, nerds, wanna be's, weirdos, and the rest are normal and spread out.

I get my lunch then i see Kara wave to me signaling me to come over to the table. As im walking someone walks buy and takes my fries. It just had to be Matt.

"Um I was gonna eat those ass hole." I guess I said it loud because the tables around me turned to look.
"And um I don't care." Who the fuck does he think he is? I take my orange and that's when my years of softball kick in and I threw right at his face.
"What the fuck?!?"
"Don't talk to me like that" I snapped. Now everyone's looking. I just walked away leaving him there and take my seat next to Kara.

"So who doesn't want their juice?" I ask.
"Dude do you realize what you did?" A short brunette haired girl says.
"Yeah cursed a guy out Cuz he took my fries."
"Yeah but that's not just a guy that's Matt Espinosa."
"So it's not like he's gonna hurt me." I say that's when an orange haired girl says..

"Maybe not physically but emotionally he loves to hurt girls" Shes says and gets up and leaves.
"Wait what's wrong with her?" I say.
"Matt was her ex." Kara said
"Oh so he is a man slut?" I ask.
"Pretty much." The brunette short haired girl says."
"By the way I'm Melanie." She says.
"Nice to meet you."
"And the girl that left is Autumn"
"Yeah she's still kinda sad cause Matt left her "heart broken" " Kara says using air quotes around heart broken.
"We told her not to go out with him but she didn't listen." Melanie says.
"Wow what a fucking ass hole. Guys like that don't deserve to be with such beautiful girls. Yesterday that douche was trying to be all nice and flirty with me then he's making out with some dirty blonde on his bed like what kind of shit is that and..."
"Uh Miranada?" Melanie says pointing up behind me.
"He's behind me Isnt he?" I say.
"Yupp" Kara and Melanie say at the same time.

"You shouldn't talk shit about someone you don't know that much about babe." Matts says to me.
"Yeah but I know enough to know that all you wanna do is get in girls pants and leave them the next day. Yesterday you were actually kinda nice. What happened?"
"Just because I was being nice to you doesn't mean I like you haha maybe in your dreams babe." He says then walks towards his group and slings his arm over a blondes shoulder and kisses her cheek.

Why am I hurt? I feel almost rejected. In my dreams? My self esteem went from being low to even lower. You know what I'm not gonna let him play me like this. He'll see what I'm capable of. All I got to do is play the player.
Sorry for not updating in like one million years😭😭😭
I promise I'm still alive lol
I promise I'm gonna start updating at least once a week it's just hard cuz of school work and stuff but yeah. Let me know what you think about this chapter😏😏👌
Things are getting pretty spicy amiright?
Please make sure to follow my Vine Matt Edit Account!!!!! I'm trying to reach my goal😭😭💖💖💖 its ----> GTFO ESPINOSA

Bye Babes😘😘✌️ ~Dalia

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