prologue • give us more detonation

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"I don't see why you're here." Korse drags out the end of each word, and his eyes glisten with boredom, "Your friends are dead. I'm not God, I cannot bring them back. This was a waste of your time, gas, and life."

"What life? I don't have a life. I kill innocent people whom you've drugged everyday, I'm a murderer. I deserve to be dead." I respond, shaking my head and waving my arms around as I speak. A delicate piece of red falls out of the messily made bun on the top of my head, and I leave it like that.

Korse nods slowly, and I see a trace of something in his eyes, like he just had an idea, "Ah, a wise one you are." He repositions himself in his chair, and props his elbows on his desk and wrings his hands together, "I want to strike a deal with you."

"Because I love striking deals with Satan." I respond, narrowing my eyes at him, "You can't bring my group back, and you're going to kill me. I don't care."

Korse grins, and motions to the chair before him, offering me to sit down. I pull the chair back and sit in it, moving a bit so my legs are hanging off the armrests, "Now, my dear. There is a way to bring your friends back, but I'm not willing to do it unless you do something for me."

"You just fucking said -" I begin, but Korse raises his hand to stop me. I smack my teeth and roll my eyes, waiting for him to continue.

"Because, why would I bring back people who are trying to stop me?" Korse questions, scoffing as if what I had came here for was absurd.

"Then why are you now offering to bring them back? Do you even have the bodies?" I ask, not trusting the man in front of me. And why should I, he was the reason I was alone again.

Korse nodded, "Of course. We bring them back to life, and turn them into Draculoids. But I can bring them back without doing so, if you do one thing for me."

"What is it?" I ask, leaning forward.

Korse slides a picture forward, of four familiar faces, "You have a month. Lead them to me to kill them, and you can have your friends back."

Okay so I was reading a Danger Days fanfic and listening to Danger Days and it always gets me pumped to write a Killjoy fic and so yeah.

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