chapter i • look alive, sunshine

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The four in the picture in front of me are none other than Fun Ghoul, Party Poison, Jet Star, and Kobra Kid, the Fabulous Killjoys. They were practically untouchable. 

"That's impossible," I snap, sliding the picture back towards Korse and pushing myself out of the chair, "There's no way in hell. And if I were to do it, once everyone found out I'd be killed on the spot." 

"You've just stated you don't care if you die," Korse responded, giving me a questionable look. 

"Being killed by the enemy is one thing," I respond, "Being killed by your team is another." 

"You'd deserve it both ways," Korse tells me. 

I sigh, "Which is why I'm not doing it."

Korse nods slowly, putting the photo away, "I see. Be on your way and we'll have your friends turned into Dracs by morning."

I flinch and squeeze my gun that rests comfortably in holster. It would be so easy to kill him, yet I couldn't do it on my own. I have to force my hand away from it as I glare at him and growl, "Fine. It's a deal." 

Korse seems to smile at this, and nods, "Great. Get on your way then," He then stands up and shoos me out, "One month." He reminds me, closing his door and leaving me in the hallway. 

I sneak out the way I came in and am soon met with the chilly night air. I shudder underneath the thin layers of clothing I have and keep my ray gun close to me. I have to walk back to my Zone, due to it being too risky to drive the Trans out here. I'd get caught easily. 


The old base is a run down truck stop, and it's actually pretty comfortable once you get used to the fact that you're sleeping on leather cushions instead of a bed. 

I hear voices from the inside, and I instantly pull my gun out of my jacket pocket and peek into my base. I don't see anybody, but I slowly ease to the door and quickly open it before aiming my gun, "If anyones in my base, hands up or I'll fucking shoot you! "

The voices stop as I inch into base and see four guys with their hands up. 

"If you have a gun, and you plan to shoot me, put it on the table," I continue, nodding my head toward the booth. 

Four ray guns clatter on the table. I slowly lower my gun, "Now," I mutter, "Who the fuck are you and why the fuck are you here?" 

"That's Ghoul, Kobra, and Star. I'm Poison," the red head - Poison - speaks, "Our base got burned, we were looking for a new one and everywhere seems to be taken."

I realized who I was talking to after that. The Fabulous Killjoys. 

Well, that was much easier than I thought it'd be. 


Ugh, I don't like this chapter that much. 

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