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I hear foot steps walking closer to us, making me jump of his lap and shoots away from him. I stare the the tv without looking at him but, I can feel his eyes burning into my face.

"I love how shy you are my Wife" he tells me as he chuckles loudly while putting a pillow on his lap to hide his hardness.

I close my eyes tightly fighting the need to vomit at the thought of my body betraying me and squeezes my thighs together.

A minute later his mothers walks into the room with a sick looking grin on her face as Cain and his wife follow slowly behind her.

Bending my neck to the side I strain to see her body but what I do see is blood. Blood flowing down her right shoulder through her dress.

"It's time we go visit your cousin boys" thier mother says sternly.

"No momma" Colton says softly almost as he is afraid of angering her.

"Excuse me?" She asks low raising her eye brows up as if she didn't just hear a word he said.

Looking over i see his gone nervous scared to actually repeat what he said.

Licking his lips softly he whispers " I sad no mother"

Her eyes widen in shock. Shock that he spoke back to her? Shock that he said No? I have no clue all I know is she doesn't look happy.

"I believe I didn't hear you correctly my son" She says in a sweet voice and a smile a smile i see that is forced.

" You heard me. I said no. I'm the man here. Im the oldest. I'm not a child. I say who gets to live in my home and I said No." Colton rushes out in a fast breath.

"His wife is missing. The cops are going to start questioning him. Family sticks together. Did you not learn your lesson?" His mother askes sternly.

" I learned your fucking lessons and as I said im no longer a child and neither is our cousin. He should have been more careful. I do not want the law to come sniffing around here. He is on his own" Colton says forcefully and stands up walking out of the living room

His mother stares at his back in complete shock but keeps her mouth shut. I guess sometimes the old bitch needs to pick her battles with her eldest.

She terns her head to me and orders "Take Rebecca upstairs and get her cleaned up she is bleeding all over the rug" and walks out of the room to follow Colton.

She didn't leave me the key... I'm still chained up.

"Umm" I start to whisper

"WHAT? You heard my mother. Clean my wife" snaps Cain

I don't want to push his buttons. I don't even want to push Coltons so I damn sure don't want to push his brothers

"Yo-Your mom.. Sh-she didn't unchain me" I make my voice come out low and soft.

His eyes shrink into slits as he pushes Rebecca towards me and goes into the kitchen and comes back a minute later with wet wash rags.

"Clean her" he snaps louder and stalks off slamming the door and heads outside.

I slowly pick up one of the wet wash rags and gently press it into her skin and starts to clean the blood. It's not dry and its soaking deep into the rag already

"Are you alright?" I ask her gently

"I'm fine.. I deserved it" she says in a broken voice

"You- You deserved it? How?!" I ask trying to keep my shocked voice from yelling.

"I know better. I know not to sneak food. We don't have much and I know I shouldn't steal from my husband" She whispers softly

I didn't say anything eles. I say there and clean her cuts as softly as I can. So much blood i end up having to use all the wash rags.

5 minutes later

The mother comes walking into the living room and looks down at us on the sofa.

"I told you to take her and clean her up. How dare you not listen to me" she spits at me. She looks mad. Not mad as in anger but mad as in sh is completely fucking crazy.

"Yo-You-" I start to say but didn't finish. What do I say? Hell what can I say? Whatever I say will only anger her more.

"ME WHAT Speak up girl" she snaps getting annoyed with me

" You didn't- You forgot to unchain me" I whisper

She closes her mouth and looks down at the chains and puts her hand into her pocket my guess is thats where the key is.

"Well.. it seems I have" she states calmly.

I look up from Rebecca and give her a small smile trying not to piss her off.

She walks up to me getting the key out of her pocket and unchains my ankle and stands back up.

"Now. Get up and have this room cleaned. I want it spotless." she states sternly before walking into the kitchen.

Breathing out a slow breathe i look down at Rebecca who hasn't said anything and pulls her up

"We both don't need anymore lessons right now. Let's get this done" I whisper softly to her trying not to touch her back.

She nods her and goes to the cleaning closet grabbing the duster and the broom and we get to work.

We dust the walls, the tv, the pictures.. I stop and look at a picture of what seems to be the mother and her two sons. I look at the oldest boy who has to be Colton and he looks indifferent to having his picture taken, like he doesn't care. Doesn't care to smile....

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