Chapter 7

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Mr. Walker and Mrs. Karen were driving down the highway talking.

"I'm so excited, he seems very excited, I hope he likes it here," smiled Mrs. Karen.

"He will, he's been waiting for this day his whole life, he'll love it here and a family that loves him and that will protect him," said Mr. Walker.

"Yes," said Mrs. Karen.

They drove up to the road and into the driveway, they spotted Peter leaning on the fence looking at the mustang.

"Yes he is going to like it here," said Mrs. Karen.

"Yes he is sweetheart," said Walker, he honked the horn and Peter looked back.

He started walking towards the car.

"I love it here, this has to be the coolest place on earth," smiled Peter.

They both looked at each other and smiled.

"Pretty cool huh," smiled Mr. Walker.

"Yes," said Peter.

Eagle Bear came to help load Peters's stuff into his new room upstairs.

Once he got settled in he went down to the living room and looked out the window while Karen was cooking.

"So dad, that feels cool to say, so what is with that horse, what's his story?" asked Peter.

Mr. Walker smiled and walked over to the window.

"Well that horse we caught, is wild, a wild mustang, we've tried breaking him but he just won't have it,' said Mr. Walker.

"Food is on the table boys, Eagle Bear, supper," shouted Mrs. Karen.

Eagle Bear came down and sat at the table. They started eating and started a conversation.

"I saw how that horse looked at you this afternoon when I looked out the kitchen window," smiled Eagle Bear.

"You did, I was hoping he would come up to the fence, but he didn't," said Peter.

"You have to win his trust first for him to get close to you," said Eagle Bear.

"Eagle Bear don't give him any ideas, that horse is dangerous, I don't want him getting hurt," said Mrs. Karen.

"Sorry Mrs. Karen, who knows maybe he won't get hurt, horses never forget a good deed," smiled Eagle Bear.

They finished eating and they all pitched in to clear the table off and headed upstairs to bed. Peter went into his room and put his pajamas on and turned on the lamp and turned his light off. He looked out the window and watched the paint gallop around the fence and making noise.

"One-day great pony, I will ride you," smiled Peter. He walked back to his bed and started reading. Once he was getting sleepy he turned his lamp off and went to sleep. The next morning he was awakened by bacon sizzling in the pan and some talking. He sat up in bed and stretched and then started walking downstairs.

"Good morning sweetheart," said Mrs. Karen.

"Morning, it smells good down here, I smelt it from my bedroom," smiled Peter.

"Yes," said Mrs. Karen.

"So are you excited about going to you're new school?" asked Mr. Walker.

"A little nervous, so what school?" asked Peter.

"It's an Indian school, you learn a lot about your heritage and ancestors," said Mr. Walker.

"Cool, never been to an Indian school before," said Peter.

"You will do just fine," said Mrs. Karen.

"I hope so, maybe I'll make some new friends," said Peter.

"You will, you're a nice kid," said Eagle Bear.

"I made you some eggs and bacon and toast on the side and some orange juice," smiled Mrs. Karen.

"Thank you, it all looks good," said Peter.

He started to eat.

"Wow, this is good," said Peter.

"Thank you," said Mrs. Karen.

"Well you better go and get dressed, I'll drive you to school," said Mr. Walker.

"Okay," said Peter running upstairs to get dressed.

"He's going to have a good day," smiled Mrs. Karen.

"Yes he is," said Mr. Walker.

"Well, I better go feed the horses before they start yelling at me," smiled Eagle Bear.

Peter came running back down into the kitchen.

"You ready," smiled Mr. Walker.

"Yes, when I get home I'll have to write Ms. Kacey, Jared, and Mrs. Donna and her husband about the new school," said Peter.

"Yes you will, let's get going we don't want to be late," said Mr. Walker.

So they all left the house together, Mrs. Karen rode with Mr. Walker and Peter, Eagle Bear stayed home to look after things around the house and attend to the animals. As they were driving, Peter looked all over.

"Wow, look at all that, it is just flat and dry, it is out in the middle of nowhere," said Peter.

"Yes sir, this is the outskirts of the Indian Reservation," said Mr. Walker.

"You mean this whole thing is the reservation?" asked Peter.

"Yes," said Mr. Walker.

"Wow, you can see for miles," said Peter.

"Yes you can, it is beautiful on the reservation, certain parts are pretty amazing," said Mrs. Karen.

"Look is that a blue water tower," said Peter.

"Yes it is, that is the reservation we are getting close," said Mr. Walker.

"Look, kids," said Peter.

"Yes that is the bus stop, we will drop you off there next time, but for right now we are taking you so we can see that you get settled into your new school," said Mrs. Karen. 

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