Chapter 13

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The next day, they got up early and ate breakfast, got dressed and went out the door. They drove to the bus stop on the reservation and dropped Peter off and they went to work.

"Hey Peter, how's it," said Haskel.

"Good," said Peter.

"You ready," smiled Haskel.

"Ready for what?" asked Peter.

"For summer, this is the last day of school," said Haskel.

"Oh yeah that's right ain't it," said Peter.

"Yeah and next year we will be seniors," said Haskel.

"This is true, hey I was wondering if it's alright with your grandparents, would you two like to spend the summer at my place," said Peter.

"Oh wow, yeah that would be awesome," Haskel getting on the bus.

"Yeah, we can ask, then we'll get to see where you live," smiled Martha.

"Yeah, and guess who else knows where I live?" asked Peter.

"Who?" asked Haskel.

"Jesse and his buddies," said Peter.

"What," angered Haskel.

"Yeah they didn't get off on the reservation, they got off the bus and next thing you know, they are standing in my driveway, we got into a scuffle, but Eagle Bear broke us up and pulled me off of Jesse," said Peter.

"Are you alright then?" asked Martha.

"Yes, my nos is soar but other than that I am okay," said Peter.

"That's good to know," said Haskel.

"What a jerk," said Martha.

"Yeah well don't look now, but the bus stopped to pick them up," said Haskel looking out the window.

Jesse and his buddies got on the bus and sat down up front. They started laughing.

"Just ignore them," said Haskel.

"I will," said Peter.

The bus arrived at the school and everybody got off and walked inside the school and went to there classes. They started doing there work.

"Alright class, now I want to know what you all are going to do for summer?" asked the teacher.

"Well my brother and I are going to spend the summer with Peter as his house," said Martha.

"Oh that would be fun," said the teacher.

"Yeah we can't wait," said Martha.

"Alright um, Jesse, how about yourself, what are you going to do for the summer break?" asked the teacher.

"Oh I don't know, maybe do a little hunting......or just hang with my friends somewhere on the rez," said Jesse.

"Oh, well that sounds like fun too," said the teacher.

"Oh it will be," smiled Jesse looking at Peter.

Then other kids started telling the teacher what they were going to do for the summer break, then the bell rang, everybody got up and ran out the door didn't even wait at the bus stop, most of them just started walking or running home. Peter, Martha, and Haskel waited at the bus stop, the bus showed up and they got on, the bus started taking the kids home.

"We'll let you know what my grandmother says," said Martha getting off the bus.

"You do have my number," said Peter.

"Yeah we do," said Haskel getting off the bus fast.

"Okay," smiled Peter.

The bus drove to Peter's place and dropped him off. He ran inside the house, Eagle Bear and Walker were already home sitting on the couch and Karen was in the kitchen.

"Guess what?" asked Peter.

"What," said Walker.

"Haskel and Martha are going to ask their grandparents if they can spend the summer with me," smiled Peter.

"Oh that is great son, you can show them around," said Walker.

"Yeah, I can't wait, I hope they say yes," said Peter.

"It will be fun having them here, you can show them your spot also and the caves," said Eagle Bear.

"Yeah I did see a cave the first time I came here," said Peter.

"Yeah, you can hike up there, but be careful loose rocks," said Walker.

"Oh I will," said Peter.

"Supper is ready guys," said Karen.

"Alright, let's go eat," said Walker.

So they walked to the kitchen, they started eating and having a conversation when they heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," said Peter.

Peter opened the door and it was a rez police officer.

"Hello Peter, is your dad home?" asked the police officer.

"Yes, dad it's for you," said Peter.

"I'm coming, thank you, Peter you can back and eat your supper," said Walker.

So Peter went back to the kitchen and started eating again.

"What can I do for you," said Walker.

"We need your help right away, there has been a murder on the rez," said the police officer.

"Alright, I'll be right there," said Walker.

"Sweetheart I have to go, I'll be back soon," said Walker getting his badge and pistol.

"Please be careful," said Karen.

"I will," said Walker.

"Do you have to go," said Peter worried.

"Yes son, it's my job to protect us and also to protect the people on the reservation as well," smiled Walker.

Walker smiled and kissed Karen and Peter goodbye.

"I'll be back," said Walker leaving the house.

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