Chapter 9

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Peter looked back at the house to make sure Mrs. Karen was not watching, he slowly climbed over and down the fence and had his back against the fence and held out his hand with the carrot. But Peter did not know that Eagle Bear was watching from the kitchen window. Eagle Bear just smiled and kept watching.

He slowly walked towards the horse and looked into his eyes.

"Come on boy, I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to be one with you," said Peter.

The horse started backing up, Peter stopped and sat down on the ground and waited. The horse just starred at Peter, then the horse looked up and then back at Peter. The horse slowly walked towards Peter, Peter held the carrot out and he started eating from Peter's hand, then Peter slowly got up and started petting the horse as it finished eating the carrot. When finished the horse just starred at Peter once again then lowered its head and Peter continued to pet the horse, then the horse stepped sideways and got down on his front legs, Peter watched the horse go down. He was excited, he jumped on the horse, the horse got up and just stood there with Peter on its back. Eagle Bear just smiled from ear to ear.

"What are you smiling about?" asked Mr. Walker.

"Oh nothing," smiled Eagle Bear.

Mr. Walker walks over and looks out the kitchen window.

"What," said Mr. Walker.

Eagle Bear grabs Walker by the arm.

"Leave him, he is okay, he has become one with the horse," smiled Eagle Bear.

"But that horse is dangerous, he has not been broken in yet, he is still wild, I can't let Karen sees, she'll scream and spook the horse," said Walker going upstairs to get Karen away from the window.

The horse slowly started to back up to the other side of the fence.

"Where are we going young pony?" Then Peter looks ahead and then back down at the horse. "Are you going to do what I think you're going to do?" Peter looking towards the fence in front of them.

Eagle Bear slowly walked out the back door and into the barn, he jumped on his paint horse and waited for the wild horse to jump the fence, so he could follow them. Peter Wolf closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Okay, young pony lets go," said Peter.

The horse started to run and he got enough stamina he jumped the fence. When the horse was over the fence, Peter opened his eyes and started to look around.

"Hey, you did it young pony, good boy, now where are we going?" asked Peter.

The horse started to walk. Eagle Bear came out of the barn on his horse and followed behind. As Peter was riding bareback they saw a lot of things along the way. The horse stopped and Peter got off. The horse started to eat the grass and drink from the small stream. The small stream was surrounded by mountains.

"Wow young pony, this spot is amazing, I can come up here and just sit and think about stuff maybe even write another story," smiled Peter looking around.

As he was looking he heard something in the bushes. Eagle Bear stopped and got off his horse and sat down watching Peter the whole time. Peter just stood still and the horse stood still and watched the bush.

"Who's there, come out, I am not afraid of you," Peter reaching in his pocket for his small knife.

Then a small wolf pup comes out from under the bush.

"Aww," Peter sat down on the ground and the horse went back to drinking water and eating the grass.

The pup stopped and just looked at Peter, then he started to a small growl. Then the pup started to get curious and slowly walked and sniffed. Then he was sniffing Peter's leg, then got on him and started sniffing. Then Peter reached to pet him and the pup let him. Then Peter started to hold the pup. Then he put the pup down.

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