Chapter Four

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Perhaps. Mother would know.

I approach the door it opens revealing mother looking at a picture. One of father and her and Kiara and I as infants.

She smiles softly as I approach.

"What is it that troubles you son?"

"Did I ever have a friend who was a girl as a little boy."

"Well, an imaginary one yes you did why do you ask?" She tilted her head puzzled something fills her eyes. A look of keeping a secret.

"What... How did I describe her... what did we do together?" I asked feeling like a buffoon.

"Well, you always called her Your Fury." Check "You explained the adventures you went on at night. You told me and your father that she was your blue-eyed princess" Check "And you will be together as King and Queen." Check "You told us things like she was sad because she lost her mommy. After that you stopped talking about her." she shrugs. "You said that her name was ironic because it meant fire and she told you yours meant water or something. You never would reveal her name though. I just don't know how you knew that though." She shrugs. Too many things do not line up.

"Anything else," I ask.

"Well. There is one thing. You said she had this tattoo on her ankle, but we always this was a birthmark." Mom says. Yeah, it is not her. She is just drugged up.

"Okay." I sigh.

"Come to think of it... I think you have journals hidden in her. You had this stage for two years when you were five and six. Perhaps there. Now, why?"

"I don't think she was imaginary..."

"What do you mean? O course, she had to be. You said you met at night. You never snuck out or anything. I always checked, believe me."

For you see, he never did sneak out as a child, he simply dream-walked into a world he and she formed together years ago.

"Hmm," I mutter unconvinced.

"I will go find those for you." she nods smiling. she walks away leaving me to my thoughts.

'I have no memory of these statements. It cannot be possible. Perhaps it is her drugged up nature at the moment. Yes. That is it.' I shake my head before standing knowing this is ludicrous.

Before I can leave mother hands me three of my journals. I look at them surprised. "These are the ones. If not for curiosity than for kicks darling." With that, she disappears.

I sigh and walk to my room throwing the books in the closet. The doctor is checking on her. again. I can see Hayden checking on her.

"She just needs rest and heal," He says softly so as not to wake her.

"Thank you," I say as he disappears.

"She will be better soon." Hayden states.

"Yeah," I say leaving the room.

Later on that night. I cannot sleep for the thought of what's in those childish journals keeps me tossing and turning like a current. Curiosity takes me over and spring out of bed to my wardrobe, and then stop. Why do I hesitate?

Damnit. I get up from my restless state and grab the three leatherbound books. I cringe as I open the book to see my messy scrawl from childhood.

Day One:

Today is Christmas and mama got me this journal and promised to get me more when I filled them. She says that I can be like dad, and it will give me a chance to de-stress. I don't understand what that means but I will ask her after this. Well, I don't know what to write, maybe I will write about school and how my teacher is a witch. She is cruel. I really don't like her.

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