Chapter Five

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He is scolding me in front of the generals. They are laughing behind his back. "How could you be so foolish as to go into the kingdom unprotected?" His face filled with anger. He keeps muttering how dumb and foolish I had been. I just wait with a gentle smirk on my face. Which only sends him into a rant further.

When he finally waits for my answer. "There were guards. They just lost track of me when I evaded them." I waved my hand before turning my back on them. I let out an innocently happy smile.

"Oh and generals, remember your place." I let out smiling. I see. Remus and Romulus waiting outside. They rush over playfully. I smile grabbing one of the sticks and tossing it. They chase after it and play tug of war. The garden had become mine. While during the day he was with me. At night he was with her. Even after she put him through that hell. She likely is still cheating. It was a marriage of pain. I tried to be a friend first and foremost, but he would never see me as anything else.

Today, I went to the town square and kept having to evade my guards he had placed on me. For our supposed anniversary, it sucked. I danced with the people in the town square. They laughed and giggled and kept quiet about my whereabouts when the guards asked. One of the frequent children that dance in the square grabs my hand and I smile joining him twirling, laughing, and smiling happily.

Remus and Romulus are happily watching me from the sidelines. They have more knowledge than anyone else gives credit. They have been my greatest companions.

I can hear the chatter of the people dancing singing. I join in.

"T'was a tale bright as night, when the lovers took their flight. The moon shone down on them, where their days began and ended. Every sun, every moon, every day with love. The powers of the gods prevailed to the worthy." The people sing along happily on, "When the days turned to nights when the people slept away. Then did the gods cast them away. To an island where they rested. To a place to call their own. When the gods looked upon them, they wanted them home. In the sky where they rested, they wanted the two. Upon their last breath fate had other plans. Instead of death, they were given immortal life. Now they rest in the sky as gods of their own. Of love and life. Forever they are known. It is said when they find the right pair. The two shall be blessed. In the nights and the days. Forever to pass." The townspeople clapped and cheered.

I smiled happily laughing. The townspeople suddenly go rigid. From both factions of colors.

"Must you always evade the guards, dear," I hear his contempt. The people would only hear a bemused husband.

"They do not wish to have fun," I turn to find I was right. I could see it in his eyes.

"You are a Queen," He moves forward murmuring.

"Dance with me? They are our people." I urge smiling hoping he would.

"No, we have plans, wife." He says. I can see the crestfallen look on the people. I see the children look at him angrily. Their parents holding them silent. I could not let them see mine either.

"Forgive me," I turn and look at them.

"There is nothing to forgive, your majesty," One of the elders comes to me holding out her hand. I lean down kissing her cheek.

"Thank you all for having me." I smile. I kneel and the children race over giggling hugging me. I laugh saying my goodbyes. Romulus and Remus are looking at Kai, they do not like him at all.

I hop on my horse, Midnight. He knickers in greeting and I pet him.

We trail back to the castle silent. He is stewing in anger. The guards are silent. I sigh. As we approach the castle. The guards go back and some farther forth. He says under his breath. "We will speak of your actions after we greet our guests." He grits.

I stay quiet sighing.

"Guard the throne room we must conduct some business in private." He calls out getting down from his horse. I follow suit. I stop gulping. I see my father speaking with Talon. His head snapped up as the door closes.

"A tramp around the square? Really? Have you no manners? You are filthy!" He glares. "You a Queen, act like it!" He shouts. "Your mother would be disappointed in you!"

Kai is looking on in confusion. Father continues and I look down.

"Instead of celebrating with your husband you are traveling around the town, evading your guards, you are a Queen first! How dare you act like a commoner! Apologize to your husband. Now!" His voice reverberates through the room.

"Forgive me, Kai, I should not have done so. I was in the wrong to make you worry. Please forgive me." I whisper my tense body fearful, waiting for my father to come near.

"It is okay, I loved seeing you so carefree. Next week we shall go dancing in the square together okay?" He says putting his arm around my waist and kissing my forehead. Tears prick my eyeballs. I hold them back. Talon approaches whispering to Kai. He looks over startled. His eyes go to my downcast ones.

"Talon, please set up my father in law in the guest room, please. My Queen and I must plan for the ball to welcome him here." He says and off they go.

The doors close. "You do realize your stupidity right? You are the Queen if you were killed because you evaded your guards---" He frowns.

The tears fall finally. I level my voice before I speak.

"I know, I am sorry, I was truly careless."

"You were-" He pauses. "You don't ever give up. You fight me at every turn and fork in the road, Adara." His hand's clench. In anger or confusion. "You are demeaning me aren't you. Typical." The door slams open. I look out seeing his lover giggling.

"You are late dear," She smiles.

"Forgive me, darling, I had matters to take care of. I am all yours now." He starts walking toward the door. "And Adara quit being so rebellious, you are a Queen first. Act like it." He says continuing.

The door slams once again. My body gives and I fall to my knees sobbing. My heart fearful and breaking.

Kai Pov

"Forgive me, Kai, I should not have done so. I was in the wrong to make you worry. Please forgive me." Her body tense and on guard. Her behavior is odd. Usually, I enjoy our playful banter. I was really worried about her today. Especially with the rebels making their move lately.

"It is okay, I loved seeing you so carefree. Next week we shall go dancing in the square together okay?" I pull her to me by her waist kissing her forehead gently. After this year we can act the part in love. She has truly become a dear friend to me. Yet there are times the hatred for her comes through. She is everything I wished Celine was. No! Celine would be a great Queen. Talon approaches whispering so she cannot hear us.

"Do not leave her alone." I look at him confused and towards my Queens downcast ones.

"Talon, please set up my father in law in the guest room, please. My Queen and I must plan for the ball to welcome him here." I tell him ready to grill her and completely disregard his instructions. He is speaking nonsense, she has many guards anyway.

The doors close. "You do realize your stupidity right? You are the Queen if you were killed because you evaded your guards---" The damn woman really worries me.

"I know, I am sorry, I was truly careless." Her eyes do not reach mine. Timid, shy, obedient? Damnit, I don't want my wife as submissive as--fuck! No! It is odd for Adara's behavior.

"You were-" I abruptly stop, "You fight me at every turn and fork in the road, Adara." I clench my fists in anger at her actions and words. The door slams open. I see Celine giggling. I lost track of time, I was supposed to meet her earlier, damn it, Adara! You will drive me to gray hair. If I don't already have some because of today.

"You are late dear," She smiles holding her arms behind her back.

"Forgive me, darling, I had matters to take care of. I am all yours now." I walk towards her and the door. I add before I leave, too cruel for my liking, "And Adara quit being so rebellious, you are a Queen first. Act like it." I continue and wrap my arm around Celine's neck kissing her temple and cheek. Perhaps she will be more cautious. Something changed her behavior and I do not understand it. The door slams behind us. What Talon said still makes me cautious.

What is going on?

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