Chapter One- Hate and Other Such Things

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A/N Hello guys. I'd just like to give you a warning, that if you don't like same-sex couples, then don't read this story. Simple as that. Also if you have no idea what demisexuality is, Valerie will explain it this chapter. Thanks for giving my story a try ❤️.

Chapter One- VALERIE

"I hate you," Valerie muttered to no one in particular as she walked the halls of Ram Creek High school. She pretty much hated everything, and everyone, so nothing was new. And yet, someone still responded.

"What's your problem?" A pretty girl with honey coloured hair spat. She looked Valerie up and down judgmentally.

Valerie gave the girl her best death glare. "Sorry," She said, not really sorry, "You're so short I didn't see you there."

The girl was approximately 5'3" to Valerie's 5'9". She had a delicate figure that made Valerie assume she was weak. Until the girl slapped her.

"Ow," Valerie said, rubbing her cheek. That slap would definitely leave a mark.

"You need to learn some manners!" The girl huffed, her sharp green eyes narrowing.

"I'm sorry," Valerie muttered more sincerely this time, "I'm Valerie."

The girl glared at her but eventually said, "The name's Cynthia," she grabbed Valerie's hand, shaking it violently.

Valerie pulled away immediately. She hated being touched.

Cynthia looked like she was about to say something, that was probably nasty, when the head cheerleader and her little gang sashayed over.

"Hey emo scum," The head, Lizzie, said casually like she said it everyday.

Which she did.

Valerie had been getting bullied by Lizzie and her posse since the first day of freshman year. They were now juniors.

"Hey plastic Barbie doll," Valerie replied, trying to hide that Lizzie's insults actually hurt.

Cynthia raised an eyebrow.

Lizzie looked back and forth between Cynthia and Valerie and began to smirk, "Getting your flirt on I see, huh dyke?" She taunted.

Cynthia was speechless. Valerie's nostrils flared angrily, "I've told you a million times Lizzie," She said in a surprisingly calm voice, "I'm not lesbian, I'm demisexual."

Lizzie still had that stupid smirk on her face, "That's code for slut, right?"

"Stop it!" Cynthia blurted, "Stop making fun of her!"

Lizzie and her friends giggled, "Oh look, your girlfriend is defending you,"

Before Valerie could say another word, Lizzie and her squad sashayed away again.

Valerie clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

Cynthia finally said, "I can see why you're so bitter now."

Valerie nodded awkwardly, focusing at the teal lockers, or checkered floor pattern.

"So..." Cynthia said awkwardly, "You're demisexual?"

Valerie nodded again.

"Umm... What exactly does that mean?" Cynthia continued.

Valerie sighed. She hated having to explain so often what her sexuality meant, "Basically I only develop a sexual attraction to someone I'm close with, like a best friend," She said, bored.

"Oh," Cynthia said, thinking. She looked embarrassed, like she thought of something she did not want to tell, "That's cool."

"Lizzie doesn't think so," Valerie muttered.

"Lizzie is a bitch," Cynthia seethed suddenly.

Valerie looked at her strangely. This girl was full of surprises, "Woah," she said, "Calm down, it's not a big deal."

"Yes it is," Cynthia insisted, "You've been being bullied, you should really tell someone."

"No!" Valerie blurted, really not wanting Cynthia to tell, "I mean that's not necessary. We were just playing around."

Cynthia raised an eyebrow, "She insulted your sexuality and called you a slut," She pointed out.

Valerie swore under her breath. The school might check her for signs of depression if they were to find out she had been being bullied. The cut marks going up Valerie's arms and thighs said it all. "Just please don't tell. Please," She said desperately.

Cynthia cocked her head to the side, but eventually said, "Alright, I won't. Not yet at least."

Perfect timing, the bell rung.

Without saying another word, Valerie darted to her next class. She heard Cynthia call, "See you later!" As she left.

Valerie secretly hoped she would.

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