Seth and Who?

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Sasha's POV
            I can't believe after losing my virginity I want to break up with him. I need Seth back. I've lost so much. I went over to the door and unlocked it for me to see Jey smiling with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Sasha: We need to talk.
Jey: Ok no problem. I just wanted to let you know that you won't need to worry about Seth anymore. He has a girlfriend.
Sasha: Seth and Who?
Jey: Seth and Mandy.
Sasha: I ask again. Seth and Who?

             Jey just laughed at me as I closed the bathroom door. I slid my back down the wall and that's when I knew I was done for.
Sasha: Seth and Mandy?

             I keep asking myself Seth and Who? Why Mandy? I can't get my answers since I'm not on social media right now. He wouldn't care anyway. I guess I deserve this. I hope I can make this right one day. Jey isn't the one for me. I keep trying to think that he is but he's not. I need to see Seth but that's in 3 months. I zoned out of reality to the point that I didn't know Jey has been knocking on the door thinking I fainted or something. So when I opened it he had a sigh of relief.

Jey: I'm guessing your not happy about the whole Seth thing.
Sasha: I'm perfectly fine with it. I already have a boyfriend.
Jey: Right,you wanted to tell me something.
Sasha: Oh, yeah. I just wanted to tell you that I want to go to the beach or the movies.
Jey: Let's go to the movies.
Sasha: Ooo let's watch IT 2.
Jey: If that's what you want. Now get ready.

            He left the bathroom for me to get ready and I keep thinking about my friends. How they're coping and stuff. I can't believe Seth is actually dating a girl that isn't me. I think I finally understand how Seth felt when I started dating Jey. I just hope these 3 months fly by fast. I need to find a way of talking to my friends without AJ knowing. I love Seth. With all my heart. That video made the sparks in me realize. But he's dating Mandy. You know what, for now it's about watching this Horror movie.

Jey: Ready?
Sasha: How did you get ready?
Jey: Sasha, you rented a villa when your staying by yourself. So I chose a room to Shower in.
Sasha: Oh, I forgot about that. Let's go.

              So on our way to the movies we took some pictures with fans and stuff like that. Once we got in the movie theater with our popcorn and drinks we were talking through the whole advertisements.

Jey: Sasha.
Sasha: Yeah babe.
Jey: I'm gonna marry you some day. You know that right. I love you a lot.

                I'm freaking out right now. If I stay quiet for to long he'll catch on. I don't want to hurt him but I don't want to marry him. Butttt I don't want to break up with him because I'd be hella lonely. After I posted that thing about Seth he sent me a text saying "I was trying to clear the air and now this. You don't want to be my friend then I don't want to associate with you at all." It hurt but it's my fault. Back to Jey. I have to assure him... right?

Sasha: Jey-
Jey: You don't have to say it back if your not ready. I'm not gonna push you.
Sasha: Thank you Jey. I do love you. That's a fact. Now the movie is starting.

            Jey smiled at me and I winked at him. If there is anyone else on earth I want to have that can't be Seth... It's Jey. His personality and everything. This break made me even closer to him than ever. One thing I can thank AJ for. Goodbye world Hello Jey. But I am coming back to WWE soon. That's gonna be awkward. I gotta enjoy this while it last.

Time Skip: Same day back at the villa.

Sasha's POV
              So me and Jey are cuddled up on the bed talking about our childhoods even though mine was pretty rough. He told me some stories about his life that made me smile. But I miss wrestling. It's my first love. I can't wait to get back in the ring.

Jey: Sasha, do you wanna eat some pizza???
Sasha: Yeah sure. Then later we'll go to this wrestling ring around the block to practice.
Jey: If that's what you want then ok. Whatever you want is what we'll do.

          I smiled at his kind gesture and I really do think I can fall for Jey. These Seth feelings may just fade quickly. I hope they do because he's happy with another girl and I don't want to be a home wrecker.

*authors note: I think this villa is getting boring so I'm taking it into the interesting part... time skip time!!!*

Time Skip: 2 and a half months in
            So I woke up in the morning knowing that I have 2 more weeks to get back to Raw. But I couldn't be happier with Jey. And you probably guessed it. Me and Jey... you know. But it's Saturday and I want to have funnnnnn. As I was standing up I got a phone call. It was from Vince.

Sasha: Holy crap

            I picked up the phone and answered the call.
Sasha: Hello.
Vince: Sasha, how are you?
Sasha: I'm fine and you?
Vince: I'm fine but backstage isn't the same since you left. Neither are the ratings. I want you to be here by Monday and I'll give you a raise.
Sasha: Um no problem. But when you say the backstage isn't the same what do you mean?
Vince: Well, you have to see for yourself.

           Vince ended the call and I'm really confused right now. So I've decided to text in our Together forever group chat. I just want to make sure they're ok.

Together forever
The Legit Boss😎🤑: um, hey guys.
                 *The Hugger 🤗♥️left this group*
                *The Man😎 left this group*
           *Lunatic Fringe🤪🤩 left this group*
            *King Slayer⚔️🗡 left this group*
          *The Big Dog 🐕 💪 left this group*
The Queen👸🙇‍♀️: Charlotte left this group.
The Legit Boss😎🤑: Funny,Hey Charlotte. How've ya been?
The Queen 👸🙇‍♀️: I'm hanging in there. It's funny you actually care because I don't care about you.
              *The Queen👸 🙇‍♀️ left this group*

           This is not good

Hey Guys,
It's Flair13 and I hope you liked this chapter.
Sorry for the short Chapter. What's happening backstage at Raw??? If Only you knew...

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Peace ✌🏻

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