Road Trip?

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The clock kept ticking and tapping as it usually did within the dirty and small classroom. The sun shined ever so brightly into the dimly lited room, birds were singing and the bees buzzed around without a care.
Though everything seemed nice and calm outside the brick walls of the High school, inside was full of nothing but anxiousness.
Within the room, Dib sat in his chair tapping his black-covered nails on the desk as he bit and chewed on his pen with much adrenaline, glaring at the clock with nervous aggression, he wasn't the only one though, all the students around him had their eyes almost bulging out their skulls from starring at the round cat-shaped clock.
Next to him was Zim, confused as he turned his head back and forth trying to understand why the young human adults were acting so panicked as if they've seen a predator or something.

What's wrong with all of these weirdos?
Zim thought to himself.
He looked to ask his mortal enemy but was shocked to see him in an anxious mess as well, he grunted in annoyance.

This is ridiculous! there is nothing to fear here! why are the human pigs a twitching mess!?!
he thought aggressively, he was at his limit of hearing the sounds of tabbing pencils and shoes, disgusted at the sight of chewing and saliva, and very bothered by the lack of the teacher unit's authoritative actions.

Enough is enough!
Zim exclaimed within his thoughts as he got up to demand answers.

was all he was able to yell as the bell rang ever so loudly, so loud Zim was taken by complete surprise.

the entire class screamed in unison.
"Finally!" Dib yelled as he quickly left his seat and sprinted towards the door while everyone around him either fallowed or escaped through windows.

Zim exclaimed as he halted towards him as fast as he could, pushing everyone out of the way.
The hallways were littered with students rushing towards any exit possible, echoes of screams and joy bounced off the walls and school supplies covered the ground.
Dib finally managed to find the exit through the wave of teenagers around him. Outside the area was filled with the students celebrating their freedom, smoking and drinking or just trying to get home to begin their summer.

"Finally!, summer begins!"
Dib said with a sigh of relief in his voice as he looked around for his sister.

"Hey, idiot! over here!'
a familiar voice echoed through Dib's ear.

Dib replied as he made his way towards his little sister.

"Ready for summer break?"
Dib asked as he made his way to a nearby garbage can to empty his bookbag from no longer necessary papers and notes.

"No duh"
Gaz replied in a sarcastic tone.

"I can finally play my VR headset without worrying about responsibilities and dumb projects"
Gaz said also emptying her bag, alongside her brother.

"What about you?"
She continued.

"I'm gonna go exploring abandoned areas to get for research and proof! and now that I can drive I can even go as far as to meet with people having trouble with the paranormal and supernatural to assist them!"
Dib responded with much excitement in his voice.
Gaz rolled her eyes in annoyment and sighed

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