🎈Chapter One🎈

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October 12th, 11:15 PM

- You awake from a rather loud knock on your front door, rubbing your eyes thinking who would be knocking at your door at this time of night, pulling yourself out of your bed making your way downstairs slowly making it to the door and turning the porch light on hesitantly opening the door,but to your surprise no one was outside.

Talking a few steps out the door looking to make sure there wasn't anyone out side, "probably just a prank" you sighed hearing the door close you turn back not worrying because you knew the door was still unlocked as you thought you turned the knob side to side pushed and pulled on the door as you noticed it somehow locked but remembered you have a spare key under the mat,as you bent down you heard a tree rustle but didn't give it a though until you heard your name being called from the direction"Y/N" you turned and looked in the direction looking for someone to be there but it was the same as before nothing and no one was there so spinning on your heels bending back down to get the key you heard your name again but louder this time "Y/N!" getting annoyed you jolted around yelling " This isn't funny Y'know!" waiting for an answer sighing for the last time and retrieving the key from the mat right before you stuck the key in the door you hear a faint sound of little bells jingling and tree leaves moving slightly frightened but curious you turned and noticed a tree's leaves rustling like something was inside it trying to get out. It suddenly stopped as you saw a figure jump from the tree, making you jump trying to make out their face they say"Hiya there Y/N" you paused in shock from not knowing who they were but the apparently knew you or at least your name you let out a hesitant "H-Hi?" you got no response so you said it little louder "Hi!" but it just stared trying to study its features your vision clicked as you saw it was a clown, it had an old white suit on with a tent of grey as well as a painted white face as it seemed with red lines going from the corners of its mouth and stopping right above its eyes which you must add were a deep intriguing pool of orange color, his smile was like it was glued to his face as it didn't move its position he had cute bunny-like teeth regaining focus looking at his full figure he was kinda cute snapping out of your thoughts you were confused on why you called this creepy clown dude standing outside of your house cute. Taking a small yawn you say"Well that just signaled that I'm tired so goodnight to whoever you are" turning to stick the key in the door but being distracted as it sounded as if you heard steps running towards you spinning around quickly you looked and the clown was running at you full speed making you terrified overtrying to unlock the door it finally opened as you ran in and slammed the door closed locking it and running to your room hiding under the sheets what seemed for like hours until tiredness caught up to you and you drifted off to sleep.

🎈Hey beautiful people I know this chapter was short but to keep in mind I was trying to make a lot up as I went and it's 1:00AM my time but I promise my next chapter will be longer💕

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