🎈Chapter Two🎈

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Next Morning

Your POV

Awaking from a blaring alarm you hit the snooze and almost drift off the sleep, right before you check the time and it reads 9:15 AM, jumping up knowing you have to be at work at 45 minutes "shit, shit, shit, shit" you yell. Running to the bathroom you grab some towels and turn on the shower waiting for the water to heat up you slip off you clothes rushing to get in the shower after 15 minutes of showering you get out, drying off you hear three gentle knocks on your door similar to the ones you heard last night being hesitant to open the door you look out the window and see the mailman's mail truck.

Slipping on a robe and swiftly moving down the stairs skipping steps and opening up the door to a rather handsome man that wasn't you regular elderly mail deliverer,he was acutely rather young mid 20's around 6'4 and god were his eyes beautiful,they were blue orbs, like little raindrops falling into a rushing river to join the great ocean, after what seemed like forever of starting at each other he says,"Hi, miss Y/N! I have a delivery for you" looking curiously while he moves his hands from behind his back."Here you go" he exclaims. Staring at the yellow envelope with a little red balloon wrapped around it,returning to look back up at him you see his eyes turn orange for a slip second but thought little of it thinking it was the lighting, still having some curiosity in you,"do you know who it came from?" you question him. "I don't, when I was running my last mail stop I saw this in my truck" he explained pointing to the box.

"okay well thank you for getting this to me Mr..."

"Gray, Robert Gray."

"Well thank you, Mr. Robert Gray," you say extending your hand

"The pleasure's mine Mrs.Y/N," he says happily 

Realization of you having to still be at work hits you and puts you back in gear"I'm so sorry I have to cut our greeting short because I have to be at work in.." looking down at your watch as your eyes widen"20 minutes" with a slight frown forming on his face he says"Its all good, ill have to catch you at a better time then" he says with a wave turning and rushing back into the house placing the envelope on the table, you could hear him as he drove off from your house. Running up the stairs you slip on a gold-colored shirt with blue jeans and the closes pair of shoes by you and run out the door almost forgetting your keys you lock the door and jump on your bike pedaling as fast as you can(With you being 15 currently you don't have a car yet).

Rounding the corner to the movie theater you head to the back entrance and lock your bike up. After clocking in it's your turn to clean out the 11:00 show grabbing your supplies you wait on the flood of people to leave out of the theater so you can get this over with. Heading in while the credits are on in there with all of your supplies you start cleaning up all the popcorn and other foods people have spilling during the movie. Finally getting to the last few rows at the top you hear a few giggles that turn into laughs thinking it was the movies ending credits considering it was a horror movie you ignored it and kept cleaning when they stopped you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in but what was worse was that the room went dead silent and your anxiety built right back up. Feeling a tap on your shoulder thinking it was one of your co-workers you felt relieved to not being all alone in there until you turned around and your stomach dropped seeing the clown from last night staring right at you smiling with sharp and jagged teeth reaching out o the screen reaching for you. dropping everything you scream running to the corner before being caught on the foot as the clown digs his nails into your ankle you manage to get out of his grasp and run back to the corner cradling yourself for comfort. Cries drowned your ears until you felt a hand grip your shoulder jumping back terrified

Y/N it's me Tae what happened?" she questioned worriedly kneeled beside you. Fear filled you as you pulled her into a place beside you as you cry into her shoulder while she rubs small circles on your back comforting you. You both rise from the floor heading to the restroom so you can get yourself cleaned up and so you can explain what happened to her.

Upon entering the bathroom you make sure nobody's in there with you then you lock the door so you won't have anyone overhearing your explanation, after explaining Tae on what had happened yesterday night and just previously, she looked as if you were explaining a horror movie right from its scripts.

"Y/N you know if you ever need anything I am always a call away even if you need emotional support ill be right there by your side helping you through this "

"Tae this is actually why I love you because I know you'll always be by my side," you say hugging her.

Rounding up your shift at work you stuck to taking over the cash register with your friend Noah as all three of you head out walking out to the back entrance you come up with an idea to keep you from having to go home by yourself tonight"Guys,how about we have a mini sleepover for tonight!"

Both turning to you with smiles on their faces "Yes!" they say in sync. Walking to your bike you declare a race and the loser has to do the 1st and 2nd placers work for 3 days,as they agreed to you all hop on your bikes and zoom off after, 10 minutes of biking you see the house from a distance, upon arrival of the house you see red balloons appear behind the house swerving almost causing you to crash you made it to the house first followed along by Tae then Noah. "Hey what happened you almost crashed up here," Noah asked "Nothing I just thought I saw a pothole in the road", "alright, lets head inside," you say taking the attention off of you. Running into the house you all get everything ready, Tae manages the food and Noah sets a schedule of movies to watch while you get the blankets from the upstairs closet while grabbing the covers you hear a door close beside you which made your heart speed up. Closing the closet door you run down the stairs almost falling. Having everything ready you all get on the couch snuggling in together watching the movies until you've all fallen asleep.

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