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unedited, pls dont point out any mistakes ty

harrys pov

It wasn't an odd sight to see. Niall had done this many times before, he think's its nice to let your inner fiver year old every know and then.

After a very tiresome weekend, we were back at the satanic cult we call school. I considered just staying home today, but I knew no one would have come over, because according to all my friends, Monday's were the best days of the week and we couldn't skip Monday's. All school days are the worst days.

"You're not a very good actor." We were outside, in the middle of the schools soccer field. I was sitting on the ground, not too far from where Niall was. We in the view of everyone sitting on the bleachers, and he was acting an idiot.

"Shut up, you're gonna put me off focus." Niall says as he tries to renact an episode of Game Of Thrones he watched last night. I have never seen a full episode, but he tries to convinve me to join him in his little fandom.

He very quickly ducked down, grabbing a half broken stick off the floor, using it as a sword. There was only a pretend person he was 'fighting,', so he made all the sounds effects himself. He started with a few 'swooshes' and 'clinks' and ended it with a large crash, it sounded almost like a rocket ship taking off, except not as loud.

"Stop acting like a five year old and let's go to class." I said.

He scoffed, "as if you actually wanna go to class." He was right, next period was math methods 1&2. Both of us had our parents make us take this class, neither of us knew anything so we couldn't even copy off each other. Shittest class out.

Niall kept on switching between the characters, using a differnt voice for each one. That was until Ruth had joined us. She had appereard in a little green skirt and a black cardigan, her hair tied into a neat bun.

"Niall! What are you doing?" (a/n yes you must read that in hermione voice) she shrieked, while laughing, "you're a horrible actor, oh my god."

He suddenly stopped, and started to nervously laugh, "yeah, 'm not the greatest I guess."

Ruth started to giggle, "you're cute." Just yesterday, I could tell she didn't want to be near us, and now shes flirting with Niall. His pick up skills must have gotten a lot better.

Instead of watching the two getting along, practically torturing me into dark places and putting me through indescribable pain because I know that the two infront of me are probably going to end up together and they will live a happy life and have kids and blissful memories of each other when they grow an old age and die, I get up and leave. Because Niall shouldn't be with her, he should be with me.


We had struggled our way through our last class, bearly suriving the seventy minutes of torture. This place is a complete freeway, the halls were filled with people, it was noisy, everyone was walking either too fast or too slow and, most annoyingly, Ruth was here.

A girl I had 'hung out' with a few weeks ago called my name. I saw her blonde bob-cut and instantly recognize her as Linah.

"Hey, Linah." I smiled, it's always a good idea to get on the better side of crazy girls, who knows, maybe one day I'll have enough over-obsessive girls to take over the world.

"Haven't seen much of you lately, Harry, do you wanna come over tonight? I think I'm ready for you to meet my parents." She squealed excitedly. Well, this has never happened before.

"Parents?" I'm not even ready to face my own parents - well, parent. The bell signaling class was about to start went off, but I couldn't care.

"Well, gotta run, I'll see ya tonight." She said as she walked off. I grabbed her wrist and turned her around. She seemed shocked at first, but she calmed down.

"What do you mean meet your parents? Why would I meet them?" There was so much going through my head right now. I can hardly think straight while trying to come up with all the possible explanations to why I have to meet this girl's parents.

She looked slightly hurt, but she continued nonetheless. "Because, Harry, we've been dating for a while now, next Sunday is our one month anniversary." She smiled.

"No." I deny the information she just told me. She was taken aback, but pushed on.

"Uh, w-what do you mean? Yes we are." She stuttered. Everyone that once filled the halls were gone, not a person in sight. But I'm still worried if there's a nerd hiding in the lockers, if people even do that anymore, who is listening to our conversation. He would tell the whole school that I was secretly dating Linah Jorge.

Of course of all the girls in the school, it would be the most, clingiest, craziest, emotional one there is.

"I'm sorry, Linah, but we never dated." I try to calmly say, hoping to ease her emotions, but tears brimmed her eyes. "Fuck." I whispered under my breath.

"Harry." I knew who it was just by his accent, he didn't even need to say a word and I could tell he was there. I hadn't even noticed how tight my grip was getting on her wrist. I let go and slowly turned around. He was only a few meters away.

"Niall." I nodded my head, asking him what he was doing here. Class had already started, and even though we would usually skip class, Niall never likes to miss a music lesson. It is one of his few electives for year twelve. He wants to be a songwriter, but I personally think he's better with his voice and a guitar.

"What's wrong?" He didn't look concered at all, just trying to hold back a laugh when he noticed the crying girl behind me. I slowly made my way towards him, not wanting to make any quick movements incase I startle Linah. I finally got close enough so I could talk to him without anyone hearing.

"She thought we were dating." Niall laughed at this, obviously finding this whole situation funny, when it clearly isn't . I have no idea how to deal with this, and I can't just go and leave it for someone else to deal with.

"Well, what are ya gonna do?" He raised and eyebrow, challenging me.

"I don't know? What are you even doing here?" I say, turning the conversation around.

He folded his arms and leaned back slightly, "I was looking for you, let's ditch."

"What happened to your suck-up teacher, Mr. Truge?" I questioned him, "isn't he waiting for you?" I don't mean to be so rude, it's just I'm stressed about this bitch behind me and whatever shit is going on with Dan.

"We have this old sub today, let's go." He was starting to get impatient, he was never really the one to wait. He would always get in a pissy mood when something took too long, or he didn't want he wanted straight away, not that he usually got it though, he would just get mad instead.

I rolled my eyes, "I can't just leave her here." Our voices were now louder than whispers, completly defeating the purpose of me even needing to come this close to speak with Niall, Linah could surely hear our conversation by now.

"News flash, Haz, but she ain't even there." He waved his hand to where she was, and sure enough, she had gone, not even a trace that she was there before. I turned back to face Niall, he had a smug look on his face, "time to go." He quickly said and begun to walk towards the door, not even making an effort to hide the fact that we were just walking straight out of this place. I followed behind him, the same pace he was going.

Although I had made it seem like I didn't really want to go, I was estastic - on the inside, of course - that I was ditching this hell of a place, with my heart beating faster than usual because of the adrenaline - even though I had done this a million times before - only to be relaxed again soon after.

This is how I felt everytime we ditched, though. Except this time, I knew I had competion, and I was going to win.


I dont know what i just wrote.


on another note, thank you vv much for reading and hope you continue to in the future. even if you're reading this ily a lot :-------)


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