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there will be a lot swearing, mature scenes, drugs and other things in this story that you may not feel comfortable reading, so of you do not like that please don't comment saying theres too much, simply stop reading.

All characters in this book are completly fictional and they are not the real personalities of anyone.

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In this prolouge there will be two types of writing, one in which it shows niall and harrys relationship growing up and one from an anonymous pov, showing her view of the boys from first glance.


May 2001 (age seven)

On a slightly overcast day, Niall and his friend Harry rode their BMX bikes down the creek until they reached the skate park. On the way they'd counted three dead birds on the side of the footpath. It was always a game who could spot the most.

Their friend from school, Louis, was already waiting for them with his dad, they'd already been there for an hour. By now it was about six o'clock and the sun was beginning to go down.

"Watch this." Louis said in his baby voice, gesturing to his skateboard. Niall got off his bike and sat on a high ramp while Harry stayed sitting on the seat of his bike, bouncing from foot to foot.

Niall smiled, "show us." Niall liked Louis' skateboard tricks, he practiced a lot so he was more expirienced. Harry knew how to ride a skateboard also and tried to teach Niall how to ride.

"Yeah, quick." Harry called out, "then I'll show you my trick." He almost smirked. He'd been practicing the whole weekend and was confident in impressing his two best mates.

Louis pushed with one foot off his skateboard, unawarely going over a small rock and quickly losing balance, his skateboard slipped from under his feet. He fell on his back and Harry quickly scrambled off his bike to help him up.

"You okay?" Harry asked in a small voice, he didn't know what to do.

"Yeah, yeah." He replied. Niall came over and saw the large graze on his elbow. That looks like it would really hurt, he thought to himself. Niall kneeled down next to him, his knees getting irritated by the ashvelt.

Louis' dad quickly ran over, "ya right, son?" He asked and patted his shoulder. Louis nodded and smiled.

"I'm fine, dad, let me keep skatin'." He pleaded to his dad.

"Sure, kiddo, but it's getting late and you've already been here for an hour, we're going soon." Louis nodded and the other two boys weren't phased since they got here themselves and could leave whenever they felt.

After half and hour, a girl around the age of ten came, she knew they boys from her school and said a quick hi.

"Hey Ella." Niall said and waved. She didn't have time to reply as Niall was already off, skillfully gliding down the smooth concrete of the ramp, leaving her there feeling a bit embarrassed.

It didn't hurt her feelings as much as it usually would since the boys were younger than her and she didn't know them that well, she didnt feel the need to impress these boys.

She left a bit later, followed by Louis and his dad. Niall noticed the street lights had just turned on and told Harry they should go home. Niall knew his parents well enough to know that they would get angry if he was back after curfew.

the ballast of life // narry (slow updates) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now