. the copy-Nin may have stalker tendencies?

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Chapter 6. the copy-Nin may have stalker tendencies?

Sara sat on a small blanket under a tree as autumn leaves fell from the trees, she paid them no mind as she concentrated on the leaf stuck to her forehead. She was aware of Aoi running about kicking leaves and finding pinecones.

Her chakra was sluggish it always was when she had to switch shifts back to the daytime. This would help it get back on track. It also helps with her nerves she would be spending time with a shinobi, a lot of time with one in fact. Her tummy flipped and her concentration was lost the leaf floated on to her lap.

"Big sis, big sis. Look what I found"

Aoi dumped several different coloured levees pinecones and a few dead bugs (Sara tried not to shudder) on to her lap.

"Woe quiet the hall there"

Aoi stood hands on hips wide grin on her face

"Yep I'm gunna scare Gran with the dead bugs" she announced.

"oh, you are, are you good luck with that she wasn't scared of them when I was a kid so I doubt she would be now."

"Aww" she pouted.

"But I do happen to know Seth doesn't like bugs" Aoi violet eyes lit up "But he will get you back he's not one for taking a prank without giving them back."

"Hump he won't get me"

Sara giggled whatever happened she knew there would be a prank war, she had better warn Gran when she dropped Aoi back off.

"Big sis?"


"Do-do I have to join the academy?"

"No, not if you don't want to why?"

"There's a man that keeps coming to see Gran and he keeps asking her for children to join the academy."

Sara stilled. "Who is this man? What does he look like?"

"mmm, he has a lot of bandages on his face and has a stick to walk with."

Sara was concerned that could only be the elder Danzo. She had forgotten to ask the Hokage about the lack of funding to the orphanage with all the concussion and all.

"I promise you don't have to do anything you don't want to do." Sara said smiling though it was strained.

"But he was really mean to Gran told her she wouldn't get any more money unless she made kids go to the academy."

Sara clenched her fist and thought to keep the anger off of her face.

"I won't let that happen Aoi. I promise" Sara reached for the girl and hugged her she had no idea if she could keep that promise or not.

Danzo didn't like her the feeling was mutual. He hated the idea of a civilian using chakra and not fighting with it. Worse than that he used his power to intimidate people.

She pulled back from Aoi "Let's get you back I have to sort out a few things before I start work."

"Aww okay big sis."

She packed up their things took Aoi by the hand and headed back to the orphanage.

Gran was waiting upon her return she looked paler than normal and Sara wondering if anything had happened.

"Hey Gran you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine stop worrying about me." She huffed "Aoi go and put your things away." She turned back to Sara "Someone wants to see you."

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