Chapter: 1

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For as long as Pyrrha could remember, she wanted to be a huntress. Her entire childhood she was told of heroes and monsters, the tales of how the monsters were defeated and Remnant was kept safe. It was always, what she wanted to be.

Yet now it feels as though everything Pyrrha wanted was suddenly so far out of reach. Ever since she was taken to the Vault, her life's been turned upside down. The choice is gone, her life possibly is gone. Emerald irises water as tears drip onto her hands that rest in her lap.

"Pyrrha? A-Are you okay?" Comes the familiar voice that Pyrrha so often wishes to hear. Pyrrha turns her head to look at the door, eyes still wet from the recently shed tears.

"Jaune! I-I didn't know you would be back so soon. " Pyrrha started, trying desperately to put on a fake cheerfulness. Jaune had enough on his plate, he didn't need this too. It was her issue, she'd deal with it.

"Ren and Nora left, so I came back. Pyrrha? Are you sure you're okay?" Jaune asked, moving to sit next to her. Pyrrha's hands shook in her lap as she saw the deep blue irises of her team leader. His blonde hair unkempt as she let her own fiery red fall in front of her face.

"Of course. I'm, fine!" Pyrrha lied, her eyes scanning the floor before moving back to her trembling hands. Her voice was her own downfall, she knew Jaune could detect the shaking in her voice and how quickly she spoke. They'd known each other long enough to detect the other's lies. Jaune frowned, his eyebrows bowing as he shifted closer to Pyrrha, his eyes moving over her face as Pyrrha tilted her head away.

"Hey, you can talk to me. I promise." Jaune whispered, sensitivity drowning in his voice. Pyrrha choked, her attempt to hide it was poor but she straightened up and she let her eyes move to the window. A red and orange leaf, fall's mark on the world, floated by before getting whipped away in the wind.

"I-I don't think I want to." Pyrrha whispered back, her voice void of any joy. Jaune's eyes shimmered with emotion, his hand moved to rest on her knee. Pyrrha froze, her eyes moving to his hand and she shifted her hands in her lap. Pyrrha felt the weight in her stomach lift, if only barely, and her hands twitched in her lap.

"I'm here if you need me. We don't have to talk about it right now, I mean, whenever you're ready." Jaune assured her, his voice quiet and peaceful, but concern laced in with it. Pyrrha bit her tongue as she watched Jaune's hand move to rest on her own. Pyrrha's eyes widened, Jaune's hand squeezing her's a little.

Silence fell over the two for longer than Pyrrha had intended. Every time she was about to speak, every time she opened her mouth, nothing came out. Jaune waited patiently, his hand still on hers and every once in a while he'd squeeze it but he'd never leave. His face was always concerned and his form never faltered. He was there for her, and the very thought made Pyrrha cry.

Tears of joy, sadness, and fear fell onto her lap, her cheeks stained a deep red before she looked up at the window. More leaves had fallen and a couple had clung to the window, their stems touching as the wind whipping by them made no mark on them.

Lifting her head a little, Pyrrha tilted her head to look Jaune in the eyes. Deep blue met emerald and Pyrrha examined his for a short moment before she leaned a little closer, their shoulders touching.

"Jaune, do you believe in destiny?"

A/N: Well!  That was chapter one of my first story on here!  I hope you all enjoyed it and thank you for reading!  I don't know when the next chapter will be but hopefully soon?  This is probably going to be sad, but there will be happy parts.

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