Chapter 4

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//picture is not mine//

Worry for his teammate, for his friend, had been evident for the past few weeks.  Jaune knew he wasn't paying as much attention to the needs of his other teammates as much as he should've but Ren and Nora could always take care of each other.  Pyrrha could always take care of herself while picking up Jaune's slack, or at least she used to.

Jaune's eyes traced over the comic book in his hand before tossing it onto his pillow.  Pyrrha's reaction in the library hadn't left his mind, it was quite persistent in popping up in his mind at all times.  Pyrrha looked more crestfallen than he ever thought possible for the past few weeks.

"May I come in?"

Jaune snapped his head up instantly, relieved to hear the voice of his friend.  Pyrrha was half hiding behind the door to their dorm, her eyes were on Jaune's face as she gripped the door a little tighter.  Jaune gave her a small smile, he doesn't doubt that it might look a little tired or sad.

"Of course."  Jaune nodded as he scooted over to make room.  Pyrrha gave a small smile in return before walking in and closing the door behind her.  Jaune watched as Pyrrha crossed the room to sit down next to him, her hands in her lap and eyes tracing over the designs on her armor.

"Do you ever wonder what the right thing is?"  Pyrrha asked, her voice strained as her throat tightened.  Jaune frowned in thought and concern, Pyrrha looked drained.  She looked like she's been up for too long, that sleep had abandoned her and she was struggling to keep up.  Worst of all, she looked broken.

"Yeah, I think everyone does."  Jaune admitted as he watched Pyrrha's bright hair fall in front of her face.  Jaune let a smile slide onto his lips as he put his hand on hers.  Pyrrha's head lifted and he saw her lips turn up and she turned her hand over to grip his hand.

"What do you do?"  Pyrrha asked as she looked from their hands to Jaune's face.  Jaune tilted his head a little, eyes gleaming in the light of the room.

"I ask you.  You're always there for your friends, Pyrrha.  Even when it's the hard thing to do, you make us do it because it's right.  And I think that you'll be able to do the right thing with whatever it is that's bothering you."  Jaune stated firmly as he met emerald eyes.

Pyrrha stared back, her eyes searching his for a moment for a response.  Her hand gripped his a little tighter, her breath shaking slightly as she inhaled.

"Thank you, Jaune."  She said quietly, emotion pouring from her voice as she stared at the other.  Jaune's smile grew as he looked back at her, his eyebrows lifting a little.

"Anytime."  Jaune assured as he hunched over a little to look her in the face easier.  Pyrrha's lips curled up, a smile that was truly genuine and one that hadn't really dawned her face for a while.

"I've been a awful teammate-and friend-"  Pyrrha started, her voice shaking a little as she tried to apologize.

"Hey, it's okay.  You don't have to apologize.  That's what friends are for."  Jaune informed Pyrrha as he looked at her for a moment.  Pyrrha paused, mouth slightly agape as she stared back at him.  

"Thank you, Jaune.  You don't know what that means to me."  Pyrrha smiled as her eyes traced over his face.  Jaune smiled back, deep blue eyes staring back at emerald.

"Glad I could help."  Jaune assured with a light squeeze of her hand.  Pyrrha let out a small chuckle before she let out a small sigh.  A smile lingered on her lips as she let her head fall to his shoulder and her eyes drifted shut.

Jaune tensed almost immediately, his heart racing as he felt like he just stopped working.  He shook his head slightly, breaking himself out of his own trance, before smiling and letting his head rest on hers.

The silence that fell in the room was sweet, their breathing echoed and their hearts beat in time with each other.  Pyrrha finally had what she had been searching for so long for.


A/N: alright so this is the fourth chapter!  to be honest i don't know if i'll continue this anymore?  if you guys want me to though i'll keep going so let me know!  i hope you all enjoyed it and thank you very much for reading!

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